
mò bǎo
  • treasured scrolls of calligraphy or painting;valued pieces of calligraphy or painting;your beautiful handwriting
墨宝 [mò bǎo]
  • (1) [treasured scrolls of calligraphy or painting]∶珍贵的字画

  • 南唐墨宝堂石也。--《闻见录》

  • (2) [your beautiful handwriting]∶用来尊称别人写的字或画的画

墨宝[mò bǎo]
  1. 现在我们还能看到这些墨宝吗?

    Can we still see such valuable works of calligraphy now ?

  2. 我们从书法墨宝开始参观吧。

    NO00 , Let 's start in the calligraphy section .

  3. 当地居民在此岩石上刻下墨宝

    the people who lived here carved this calligraphy in the rocks ,

  4. 其中包含了画作、墨宝、瓷器及更多宝物。

    It includes paintings , calligraphy , ceramics , and much more .

  5. 我的爱好(是)墨宝。

    My hobby is calligraphy .

  6. 历史上的中国文化名人都曾登临泰山,留下诗文、墨宝。

    Writers and artists had left numerous pieces of poems and calligraphy works when they toured Mount Taishan .

  7. 对我而言,这种未经计划且完全自然的画作有时候比那些最近的墨宝更令人感动。

    To me , perhaps such kind of unplanned and all natural drawings are sometimes even more touching than some recent calligraphies .

  8. 据新闻门户网站澎湃新闻报道,该信件是中国古代学者曾巩唯一的传世墨宝,创作于大约936年前。

    The letter is the last surviving work of Chinese scholar Zeng Gong , who penned it around 936 years ago , popular news website ThePaper.cn reports .

  9. 附呈的四首诗是他亲书的关于陈上师的里程碑作品&禅海塔灯内之禅之四层的墨宝。

    Attached are four poems by him in his calligraphy on the four layers of Chan as indicated by Guru Chen in his monumental work , Lighthouse in the Ocean of Chan .

  10. 历代名人留下了大量的诗文记赋、墨宝丹珠以及他们在绘山活动的踪迹和趣事轶闻,人文景观不断增多。

    Celebrities in all ages have left a large number of poems and prose and paintings as well as the trails and interesting anecdotes which resulted in the continual increase of humanistic sceneries .

  11. 古往今来,许多文人骚客喜欢于扇面之上挥洒翰墨,留下了不少的书画扇面,也为后人留下了丰富多彩的墨宝和艺术珍品。

    Since the ancient times , many writers like poet Langhammer beauty on the fan , leaving a lot of fan painting and calligraphy , but also for future generations to stay rich calligraphy and art .