
  • 网络Tottori Sand Dunes
  1. 我在Instagram上发了一张在日本西海岸鸟取的沙丘上拍的照片没多久,布鲁克林的一个朋友留言问,“这是哪里?”

    Shortly after I posted a picture on Instagram from the sand dunes of Tottori on the west coast of Japan , a friend from Brooklyn commented , " Where is this ? "

  2. 尽管不是日本最大(最大的沙丘在北部的青森,用于军事演习),但鸟取的沙丘是游客可以接触到的最大沙丘。

    Although these dunes are not the largest in Japan ( those are in Aomori , in the north , and used for military exercises ) , the sand dunes of Tottori are the largest that are accessible to visitors .

  3. 想体验更多这种飞翔感的人,可以去鸟取滑沙学校(TottoriSakyuSandBoardSchool)学习滑沙(类似于滑雪,只是把雪换成了沙子),或是去鸟取沙丘滑翔伞学校(TottoriSandDunesParaglidingSchool)尝试滑翔伞。

    Those who want more of that flying feeling can get their feet off the ground at Tottori Sakyu Sand Board School ( like snowboards , but for sand ) or try paragliding with the Tottori Sand Dunes Paragliding School .