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  1. 这些鸟能够使它们的脚趾外倾。

    These birds can splay out their toes .

  2. 再没有其它鸟类能像知更鸟一般使人想起那种圣诞的节日气氛和冬日的兴致了。

    No other bird invokes the spirit of Christmas and winter like the robin .

  3. 当鸟儿蹲下睡觉时,鸟腱使鸟腿在膝盖和脚踝弯曲。

    When the bird hunkers down for sleep , it bends its leg at the knee and the heel .

  4. 哈得孙河事件已经过去一年了,我们都知道几只鸟就能使一架飞机坠毁。

    It 's been one year since the " Miracle on the Hudson , " as we all now know just a few small birds can bring down an airplane .

  5. 鸟的形象使人产生一个制造航空机的新主意。

    The sight of birds suggested a new idea for flying machines .

  6. 可飞回的飞标曾在东澳大利亚及西澳大利亚流行,有时作为玩具,用于比赛,有时猎手用它仿真飞鹰,以驱逐鸟群,使之进入网里。

    Returning boomerangs were used only in eastern and western Australia as playthings , in tournament competition , and by hunters to imitate hawks for driving flocks of game birds into nets .

  7. 鸟的形象可以使海员们平安归来

    that the bird 's image would help sailors return safely ,

  8. 这只鸟的宏大能使它飞得很快。

    This bird 's large wings enable it to fly very fast .

  9. 这只鸟的大翅膀使它能够快速飞翔。

    The bird 's large wings enable it to fly very fast .