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wǎn xiá
  • sunset glow;sunset clouds;afterglow;the evening glow;red sky at night
晚霞 [wǎn xiá]
  • [afterglow;red sky at night;sunset clouds;sunset glow] 日落时出现的云霞

晚霞[wǎn xiá]
  1. 晚霞恰如一幅图画。

    The sunset glow is just like a picture .

  2. 晚霞染红了天空。

    The sunset glow tinted the sky red .

  3. 这个岛是个绚丽多彩、晚霞娇妍的世界。

    The island is a world of brilliant colours and dramatic sunsets .

  4. 巴黎的天空映着红色的晚霞。

    There was a red sunset over Paris .

  5. 她说她从未见过如此瑰丽的晚霞。

    She said she had never seen such a glorious sunset .

  6. 灿烂的晚霞预示明天又是好天气。

    The splendid evening glow in the sky means another fine day tomorrow .

  7. 早霞主雨,晚霞主晴。

    Rosy morning clouds indicate rain , and a rosy sunset means fine weather .

  8. 晚霞把西半边天空点画得绚丽万分。

    Sunset clouds tinted the western sky with gorgeous colours .

  9. 红色的晚霞预示着晴朗的天气。

    A red sunset signifies fine weather .

  10. 晚霞渐渐暗淡,暮霭沉沉,野旷天低。

    The evening clouds grew darker ; the night mist thickened and the vast fields stretched dimly as far as the eye could see .

  11. 每只红绿灯的红、黄、绿灯都全部亮起,在晚霞衬托下,煞是好看。

    Each traffic light red , yellow , green light , all the bright backdrop in a sunset2 , is truly beautiful .

  12. 我国老年报刊的现状及发展策略&以四川《晚霞报》与《晚霞》杂志为例

    The Status Quo & Development Strategies of Elderly Journals in China

  13. 千万缕晚霞的光线开始变细。

    The thousand rays of the evening sunlight started to thin .

  14. 我喜欢在傍晚观赏晚霞。

    I like to gaze at the setting sun in the evening .

  15. 日落时分,晚霞染满了天空。

    At the moment of the sunset , the sky turns pink .

  16. 早晨天灰晚霞红,天气晴朗日当空。

    Evening red and morning grey are the signs of a fine day .

  17. 晚霞照在大厅里。

    The rosy sunset shines on in the hall .

  18. 在爱丁堡郊区的山上拍摄的美丽晚霞。

    The afterlight captured over a hill in Edinburgh .

  19. 要迎着晨光实干,不要面对晚霞幻想。

    To meet the morning work , don 't face an evening fantasy .

  20. 昨晚落日的晚霞十分好看。

    There was a glorious sunset last night .

  21. 金色的晚霞在西方颤动着。

    A golden afterglow throbbed in the west .

  22. 在埃及我们多次见到迷人的晚霞。

    We saw some amazing sunsets in egypt .

  23. 然而我却喜欢淡淡的晚霞。

    But I like the hint of sunset .

  24. 紫色的花朵、连衣裙、晚霞

    A purple flower , dress , sunset

  25. 他们在观看美丽的晚霞。

    They were watching a beautiful sunset .

  26. 这是个可爱的傍晚,春天柔和的晚霞洒向大地。

    It was a lovely evening and the soft light of spring covered the earth .

  27. 今天有晚霞,明天应该是个好天。

    There is a fine sunset , it ought to be a fine day tomorrow .

  28. 红色晚霞是第二天好天气的预兆。

    A red sky at night is indication of fine weather of the following day .

  29. 落日时天空中的晚霞

    The glow of the sky at sunset

  30. 或者是黎明时那最耀眼的启明星,傍晚时那一抹金色的晚霞。

    Or is the dawn the most dazzling phosphor , evening that with a golden sunset .