
wǎn shuāng
  • Night Cream;late frost
晚霜 [wǎn shuāng]
  • [late frost] 春季气候变冷时降的霜

晚霜[wǎn shuāng]
  1. 晚霜冻结束日期具有13a和5a左右的周期,受气候变暖影响近35a来晚霜冻提前了17d左右,早霜冻变化不大。

    The late frost ending date has a phase of about 13 years and 5 years . Affected by climate warming the date is advanced by 17 days , but the date of early frost is not advanced .

  2. 河南省冬小麦晚霜冻害风险概率分布及对产量的影响评估

    Risk Assessment and Influence of Winter Late Frost on Winter Yield

  3. 在晚霜中加入一滴仿晒乳或者使用含有仿晒DHA的乳液。

    Sneak a Glow Mix a drop of self-tanner into your night cream or use a cream that contains a bit of tan-producing DHA .

  4. 对计算出的近50年晚霜冻害资料进行EOF分析和Morlet分析,以发现晚霜冻害的时空分布与多时间尺度变化规律。

    Data of WFD calculated recent 50a is analyzed by means of EOF and Morlet technique in order to find distribution of space-time and Variation of multiple time scale on WFD .

  5. 分析了45年来许昌晚霜冻的气候特点,用灰色灾变的预测方法,对许昌晚霜冻出现的时间进行了分析,建立了GM(1,1)模型,得到了满意的结果。

    This article analyzes the 45-year weather condition on the severe late frosts in Xuchang district . By means of grey catastrophic forecasting , it analyzes the time of severe late frosts and sets up GM ( 1,1 ) pattern and has a satisfactory result .

  6. 本文在前人有关小麦冻害研究基础上,通过构建冻害指数,用EOF和小波分析法,对河南冬小麦晚霜冻害发生程度和发生天数进行时空变化规律分析。

    Degrees and days of late freezing disaster of winter wheat in Henan province is performed by means of EOF and Morlet analysis through creating the index of freezing disaster on the basis of previous researches .

  7. 用漂亮蓝瓶装的娇兰特效水凝清爽保湿霜(TheGuerlainSuperAqua-Crème)既有日霜(售价70英镑),也有晚霜(售价81英镑),用后效果很爽,压根不会有油腻感;

    The Guerlain Super Aqua-Cr è me - it comes in a day gel ( £ 70 ) and a night balm ( £ 81 ) in pretty blue pots - is very pleasant and not at all greasy-feeling ;

  8. 她把所有的晚霜都擦了一遍。

    She puts on all her coid cream for the night .

  9. 一场晚霜把他们的庄稼全毁了。

    Their whole crop had been blasted by a late frost .

  10. 在第一次试验以后我父亲就更改了保湿晚霜的配方。

    Our father changed the Everdew formula after the initial tests .

  11. 晚霜冻害对眉县猕猴桃生长的影响及对策

    Effect of Late Frost Freezing on the Growth of Kiwifruit in Meixian

  12. 黑胡桃对春天晚霜的危害非常敏感。

    Black walnut is extremely sensitive to damage from late spring frosts .

  13. 春性小麦的晚霜冻及防治研究

    A Study on Late Frost Damage to Springness Wheat and Its Prevention

  14. 许昌晚霜冻灰色预测及对策

    Grey Forecasting and Countermeasure on Severe Late Frosts of Xuchang

  15. 在前一次晚霜结束,土地开始变暖后播种。

    Sow after last spring frost , when the soil is warm .

  16. 2001年杏花期晚霜冻害调查研究

    Investigation on late frost injury at blooming stage of apricot in 2001

  17. 总体来说,我会再次买这款晚霜的。

    Overall , I would buy this cream again .

  18. 娇兰特效水凝清爽保湿晚霜81英镑

    Guerlain Super Aqua-Cr è me Night Balm £ 81

  19. 那个女人脸上的伤疤并不是我们的晚霜造成的。

    The woman that we found wasn 't scarred by Everdew night cream .

  20. 南京地区晚霜冻对茶树的危害及防御

    Hurt of Sping Frost to Tea Bush in Nanjing Area and Its Prevention

  21. 蜂蜜萃取物、尿囊素和乳酸等的独家配方的日晚霜,将满足您的具体需要。

    Honey extract , allantoin and lactic acid will answer all your specific needs .

  22. 我昨天不得不工作到很晚,还忘了用晚霜。

    I had to work late yesterday , and forgot to use night cream .

  23. 结果表明:冬小麦晚霜冻害发生频率为47.7%,且有增多的趋势;

    Results show that the frequency of WFD is 47.7 % , and is raising trend .

  24. 4.使用保湿晚霜

    Step 4 Use a night moisturizer

  25. 上床睡觉前半小时涂抹晚霜,防止眼睛周围水肿。

    Apply night cream a half-hour before going to bed to prevent puffiness around the eyes .

  26. 小贴士:晚上睡前半小时涂抹保湿晚霜,以免眼睛肿胀。

    Tip apply night cream a half-hour before going to bed to prevent puffiness around the eyes .

  27. 这款晚霜才是我的最爱,它能够很好的滋润皮肤,也不会觉得油腻。

    It 's got very oily food and it 's got a very male feel to it .

  28. 洁面后,使用营养丰富的晚霜,例如檀香木或薰衣草。

    After cleansing , use a rich moisturising night cream or oil such as sandalwood or lavender .

  29. 知道吗,我觉得你到了应该开始用晚霜的时间了。

    Hugs her Y'know , I think it might be time for you to start using night cream .

  30. 用这张优惠券,买晚霜的话有15%的折扣,是吗?

    With this coupon , you 'll give me a15 % discount for chasing night cream , right ?