
  • 网络slope;Slope ratio
  1. 为满足水工布置要求,引水洞出口边坡开挖高度300m,坡比1:0.75,同时在边坡的下部还需开挖7根引水隧道。

    To meet the requirements of hydraulic layout , excavation of diversion tunnel exit height of 300m , slope ratio of 1:0.75 , while the lower part of slope excavation of seven needed diversion tunnel , So high and steep slope stability phyllite what ?

  2. 下游坡比取0.75时,坝体和坝基的剪应力值符合要求;

    When slope ratio is 0.75 , shearing stress is satisfied ;

  3. 在此基础上,分析了影响黄土高边坡稳定性的因素,包括土体的容重γ、粘聚力c、内摩擦角φ、孔隙水压力比γu,地震烈度,边坡坡比和边坡高度H。

    The factors , such as volumetric weight , the cohesion , the friction angle , the pore pressure ratio , earthquake intensity , slope ratio and the height of slope , which control and affect the stability of loess high slope were analyzed .

  4. 对现场土坡形态进行简化,以简化后的土坡作为计算模型,分析了VG模型参数、土层分布、坡比、降雨持续时间和非饱和渗透系数推定模型的选择对数值模拟结果的影响。

    The factors which effect on the infiltration are analysis , including parameters in VG model , soil distribution , angle of slope , rainfall duration and the predicting model for the coefficient of permeability of unsaturated soil .

  5. 初步设计阶段基本确定了边坡的开挖坡比。

    The excavation slope magnitudes were fixed at the phase of the preliminary design .

  6. 下游坡比取0.6时,剪应力接近抗剪强度临界值。

    When slope ratio is 0.6 , shearing stress is close to the critical maximum .

  7. 传统的混凝土浇筑施工方法已不能满足大坡比混凝土屋面施工质量要求。

    Traditional concrete placement method can not meet the construction quality requirement of sharp slope concrete roofing .

  8. 以坡型、坡比为设计变量,以安全可靠为主要约束条件,建立了黄土高边坡的优化模型。

    According to the above factors , a optimized model for designing high loess slope is established .

  9. 理论分析之后,作者进行了室内静力模型试验,模拟了两种边坡坡比:1:1和1:1.2;

    After theoretical analysis , small scale model tests are done . Two slope angles : 1:1 and 1:1.2 ;

  10. 中心岛法斜支撑基坑开挖坡比对周边环境的影响

    Influence on surrounding environment of deep excavation of different gradient slope applying the construction of central island with inclined brace

  11. 对不同坡比的土坡进行包络线的拟合表明,包络线上下界主要部分呈直线,同时不同坡比的拟合直线的斜率和截距与坡比有极好的线性相关关系。

    The body of close envelope are lines and the slope and intercept are linearly correlative wonderfully with different slope-ratio .

  12. 为了使填埋场的纳污量最大化,提高填埋场的使用寿命,运用多种边坡稳定分析方法,对特定填埋场的边坡坡比进行了优化计算。

    To improve the capacity and life expectancy of landfill , the slope ratio of landfill was optimized with different computation methods of slope stability .

  13. 结合地质判断、边坡岩体质量分级结果和工程类比,确定了进水口高边坡最优设计坡比;

    Combine the geology judge , the quality of slope rock mass and the comparison with similar projects to confirm the optimum ratio of slope .

  14. 指出坡高、坡比和风化层厚度是硬土软岩边坡稳定性的主要影响因素。

    Pointed out the slope high the ratio of slope and the weathering depth is the hard soil and soft rock side slope stable major effect factor .

  15. 并且对坡高、坡比和风化层厚度进行了数值分析,得到了它们之间的相互关系。

    And to the slope high , the ratio of slope and the weathering depth has carried on the numerical analysis , obtained between them the reciprocity .

  16. 总结传统垂球法测算斜插角钢坡比的不足,介绍利用经纬仪精确测算角钢坡比的新方法。

    Based on the summarization about deficiencies in traditional way calculating and controlling slope of embedded inclined-angle-iron with plummet , a new method on using theodolite was introduced .

  17. 研究波高、波陡、坡比对堤前波压力及上抬波压力的影响。

    Changes of wave pressure ahead of the embankment and uplift wave pressure subjected to the changes of wave height , wave steepness and degree of slope are studied .

  18. 对不同坡高、坡比组合下的工况进行计算,得到了不同工况下边坡的位移&安全系数的关系。

    By calculating the workable situations of the different slope height and slope ratio , the relationship between the displacement and safety factor in different workable situations was obtained .

  19. 结合施工实际,为保证多面土体的准确形成,应用立体几何确定其各条交线的空间位置,并推导出在任意情况下交线平面位置的关系公式和交线坡比。

    Connecting with the practice of construction , the method was used to learn the space location of each separate line which was to ensure the accurate formation of multi-surface earth .

  20. 对于混凝土面板堆石坝而言,堆石坝上下游坡比一般在1∶1.3~1∶1.7之间,其面板混凝土采用无轨滑模施工已是相当成熟的一项技术措施了。

    For concrete faced rockfill dam , the slope of upstream and downstream is generally 1:1.3 & 1: 1.7.The no-rail slip-form construction technology for facing concrete has been a ripe technological measure .

  21. 提出了适用于红层软岩边坡工程的生态防护设计原则,以及基于合理坡比的生态防护技术。

    The design principles of the ecological protections applying to the slope in red beds soft rock , and the eco-protection technology based on reasonable gradient of the slope have been put forward .

  22. 一方面,坡比越大,路堤坡度就越缓,在相同高度时,坡体的体积量就越大,那么坡体受地震力的作用就越多。

    On the one hand , the greater the slope , the smaller the gradient , and at the same height , the volume is bigger , then the seismic force affect the slope more .

  23. 结果表明,该地区坡耕地适宜修建1∶1平坡比的集流梯田工程;

    The results show that : the rainwater catching terraces with a ratio of plane cropland area to sloping area 1 ∶ 1 on the hillside fields should be constructed in this hilly semiarid area ;

  24. 通过对拱肩槽及进水口边坡的应力场、位移场和破坏区域模拟计算表明:拱肩槽、进水口边坡在拟订的开挖坡比条件下整体均处于稳定状态。

    The system calculation and analysis on stress field , displacement field and failure zone indicate the high rock slope of spandrel groove and water inlet are stable if they are excavated in the designed slope ratio .

  25. 结合中国已建和在建水电边坡的开挖情况,采用自然斜坡比拟法和工程地质类比法综合确定拱间槽边坡的地质建议开挖坡比。

    Secondly , in combination with data acquired from some slopes of the being built or built hydropower stations and natural slopes , the excavation angle is recommended for the dam abutment slope from perspective of geology .

  26. 围绕岩石边坡生态恢复技术,通过对锚杆受力情况的研究分析,确定了在不同岩石类型以及不同坡比的坡面上,其锚杆的最佳锚固深度和最佳锚固间距。

    This article studied the rock side slope ecological recovery technology and worked out the optimal anchor rod depth and space on different rock side slope of different gradient , based on the anchor rod acting force analysis .

  27. 计算结果表明,在满足稳定性要求的条件下,当采用坡比在1:4~1:5左右时,填埋场的容量可以达到最大。

    It was revealed that , when the slope ratio of 1:4 ~ 1:5 was adopted , the capacities of landfill can reach the maximum value as the stability of slope can be satisfied at the same time .

  28. 通过试验研究分别对土质、岩土质边坡坡体的力学参数提出了量化的数学模型,并得到抗剪强度与含水量、干密度的关系及稳定系数与坡高、坡比等的关系;

    By tests and reasearches on mechanical parameters of soil and soil-rocky side slopes , the paper provided numerical model , the relation of resisting cutting strength and water content or dry unit weight , stability factor or grade of side slope .

  29. 为方便快速估计堆石坝坝坡的稳定指标,根据计算结果拟合出稳定指标与坝高、坡比、地震烈度的关系曲线,并给出了计算结果与拟合结果间的最大相对误差。

    In order to estimate the stability index of rockfill dam rapidly , the fitted formulas consisting of dam height , slope ratio , seismic intensity are given based on results . And the maximum relative error of fitted result is also given .

  30. 采用活动式人工模拟降雨试验装置,在室外对不同种类土壤、坡比、植被条件下的模型坡面产流进行了试验研究,重点分析了下垫面因子对坡面流流速的影响。

    The authors adopts movable artificial rainfall test devices to conduct experimental study on model slope yields under the outdoor conditions of different type of soil , slopes and vegetation and puts the stress on the analysis of impacts of underlying surface factor to the velocity of slope yields .