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  • 网络slope length
  1. 坡长对侵蚀产沙过程影响的模拟研究

    Impacts of Slope Length on Soil Erosion Process under Simulated Rainfall

  2. 土壤可蚀性模拟研究中的坡长选定问题

    Selecting on Slope Length of the Soil Erodibility Simulation

  3. PAM覆盖度不同,坡长对侵蚀产沙过程的影响也不同。

    The effect of slope length on erosion sediment is different at different PAM coverage .

  4. 坡长在40m时,流失量达最大值;

    When the length of slope is 40m , the soil erosion reaches maximum ;

  5. 覆盖PAM后,细沟发育的临界坡长增加,且PAM覆盖度越大,发生细沟侵蚀的临界坡长越长。

    The critical slope length increases when covered with PAM , and the bigger PAM coverage , the longer the critical slope length .

  6. 系统总结了DEM基本地形因子的提取算法,并重点对坡长、曲率、地形的起伏度、切割深度和沟壑密度因子提取的原理与算法作了深入的分析;

    The author paid more attention also to analyze the principle and algorithm of flow length , curvature , relief , the earth 's surface incision and gully density .

  7. 基于土壤侵蚀REE示踪法的技术需要,对全坡长小区细沟侵蚀垂直分布特征进行了分析研究。

    Based on the need of soil erosion rare earth element ( REE ) tracer method , the rill erosion spatial characteristic was researched on the field plot .

  8. 而在8~15m坡长范围内,土壤侵蚀以剥蚀过程为主,且土壤侵蚀最严重。

    But at 8 ~ 15 m of slope length , detachment was dominant , where soil erosion was very severe .

  9. 本文利用REE示踪技术,初步探讨了野外全坡长小区在次降雨过程中,坡面侵蚀时空分布的动态变化过程。

    In this paper the dynamic changing process of soil erosion time and spatial distributive characteristics on slope surface was studied by the rare earth element ( REE ) tracing method .

  10. 输移量为坡长大于20m的径流小区或小集水区出口处的拦蓄量。

    Sediment delivery can be gained through measuring the sediment reserving at the exit of runoff plot or small water collection area which slope length is more than 20 meters .

  11. WEPP模型坡面版在黄土丘陵沟壑区的适用性评价&以坡长因子为例

    Assessment of WEPP Model Applicability ( Hillslope Version ) on Hill-gully Region of the Loess Plateau & A Case Study in Slope Length Factor

  12. 结果表明,发生浅沟侵蚀的临界坡度约为18°,临界坡长为40m左右,临界汇水面积约为650m~2。

    Results show that critical slope steepness of shallow gully erosion occuring is 18 °, and 40 metres in critical slope length , 650 square metre in runoff converged area .

  13. 总的来讲,本研究表明坡长自动修正模块可以较好的弥补SWAT模型应用于南方丘陵区域时坡长提取算法的不足。

    The result obtained in this study show that Slope-length auto modified module could compensate somewhat for the deviation of calculating the slope-length of HRU when applying the SWAT model to the mountainous and hilly land watersheds .

  14. 坡长30m的坡耕地上,顺坡种植、农民习惯施肥、坡度年均减缓0.46%(0.26°),五年累计减缓2.28%(1.31°)。

    Gradient 0.46 % ( 0.26 °) per year and 2.28 % ( 1.31 °) five years were lowered only by up-and-down cropping , farmer 's practice of fertilizer rates on the 30 meters length of slope land plot .

  15. 结果表明,在10,20,30和40m这4个坡长条件下,WEPP模型对次降雨、年平均和多年平均径流量的模拟结果略差;

    Results showed that simulated values of event runoff , annual runoff , and average annual runoff by WEPP model were not desirable for the slope lengths of 10 m , 20 m , 30 m and 40 m.

  16. 结果显示,当雨强小于2.0mm/min时,最大输沙率出现在40m坡长;而当雨强大于2.0mm/min时,最大输沙率出现在60m坡长。

    Results showed that maximum sediment transport rate occurred in 40 m slope length at rainfall intensity less than 2 mm / min , while it occurred in 60 m slope length at rainfall intensity greater than 2 mm / min.

  17. 利用安塞试验站1985&1992年的气象观测数据和野外坡长径流小区径流量和土壤侵蚀量监测资料,评价了WEPP模型在黄土丘陵沟壑区不同坡长条件下的适用性。

    Based on observed meteorological data and measured soil loss data from field runoff plots in 1985 & 1992 at Ansai Comprehensive Experimental Station , the applicability of WEPP model to different slope lengths on hill-gully region of the Loess Plateau was assessed .

  18. 研究结果表明:降雨的土壤入渗量受坡长、土地利用方式等因素影响,长坡能够接收较多雨量,试验年份(旱年)坡长每增加20m,草地约增加入渗0.77mm,灌木地增加0.92mm。

    The results showed that soil could get more rainfall with slope length increasing from top to bottom . With a 20 m increase of slope length , the increase of incepted rainfall is 0.77 mm in grassland or 0.92 mm in shrub land .

  19. 拖拉机集材道最大坡度和最大坡长的探讨

    Discussion on maximal gradient and slope length of Tractor Skidding trail

  20. 土壤侵蚀量与坡长、坡度均指数相关;

    Erosion amount is exponentially related with slope length and gradient .

  21. 山岭区高速公路坡长限制研究

    Research on the Limitation of Grade Length on Freeways in Mountain Area

  22. 在坡地上修建水平阶后,沿坡长土壤水分趋于均匀。

    The soil moisture along slope was well distributed after constructing horizontal stage .

  23. 坡长对径流及侵蚀的影响

    Effect of slope length on runoff and soil erosion

  24. 发动机制动失效的坡长临界值计算

    Critical slope length computation of engine brake inefficacy

  25. 降雨、坡度、坡长和植被覆盖等均对泥沙起动产生影响。

    Rainfall , slope gradient , slope length and vegetation cover impacted sediment mobilization .

  26. 顺层岩质边坡临界坡长求解研究

    Study on Critical Length for Bedding Rock Slope

  27. 坡长对侵蚀产沙的影响与降雨强度密切相关。

    The effect of slope length on erosion sediment is different at different rain intensity .

  28. 福建花岗岩地区坡度和坡长对土壤侵蚀的影响

    Influence of Inclination and Length of Slope on Soil Erosion in Granite Area of Fujian

  29. 经济林地坡长对侵蚀产流动态过程影响的模拟试验研究

    Simulated Study on Influence of Slope Length on Erosion Runoff Yield Process in Economic Forest

  30. 年侵蚀模数与坡长呈正相关关系;随着坡长增大,细沟侵蚀和浅沟侵蚀明显增强;

    The rill erosion and gully erosion are seriously evident with the slope length becoming longer .