
pō jiǎo
  • toe
坡脚[pō jiǎo]
  1. 堤坝坡脚线数值解法及图形可视化研究

    Numerical method of dam toe line and study of visualized drawings

  2. 坡脚开挖或坡面堆载时,含碎石粘性土边坡经常发生滑坡。

    Landslides often develop in pebbly clay slopes as toe cutting or surface loading .

  3. 根据边坡地质与稳定性分析,边坡的整体稳定性主要取决于坡脚岩体的稳定性,因此,B区边坡治理采取了压脚的工程措施。

    Geologic and stability analyses indicate that overall stability of the left bank slope B depends on stability of the slope foot .

  4. xb在坡顶连续变化或者xa在坡脚以前连续变化时,k的值也具有相同的规律,亦可按照数值法计算极小值。

    When xb varied on upper ground of the slope or xa varied in front of the foot of the slope successively , the value of k have the same rule and the minimum can also be obtained by numerical method .

  5. 最后认为坡脚部位高出原地面12m,相对稳定的地下水位将对工程造成非常不利的影响。

    At last the conclusion is that relative steady underground water level with height of 12m from the ground surface before airport constructed will have bad influence to the embankment .

  6. 在拓展Bishop极限分析方法的基础上,采用坡脚反向虚拟荷载及垂直荷载增量逐次逼近的方法建立复杂几何边界条件下的土体极限承载力的计算方法。

    Based on expanding the Bishop ′ s limited analyzing method , a calculating method , which is suitable for ultimate bearing capacity under complex boundary conditions , has been established by iteration calculating method of loading increment and exerting fictitious pressure .

  7. 边坡最大组合坡高达420m,上游与倾倒蠕变岩体自然边坡连成一体,坡脚布置有9条大直径引水隧洞,其下与导流洞进口开挖区连成一片,形成轮廓复杂的高边坡。

    Nine big excavation water-intaking tunnels lie at its foot . It is interconnected with excavated slope of the diversion tunnel 's intake , forming a high slope with complex outline .

  8. 应用虚拟仪器技术,研制出一套适用于电流互感器稳态准确度和暂态饱和特性的检测系统。不考虑防排水措施时,坡脚最大水位升幅在135m左右,暂态饱和区水平深度在20~40m之间;

    Applying virtual instruments technique , the CT measuring system was developed . Without regard to drainage facility , the pressure head can reach about 135 m at the base of the slope and the horizontal range of temporary saturated zone is 20-40 m ;

  9. 坡脚和坡足C4-C显著低于坡肩和坡背,说明沉积区新碳损失更大。

    The contents of C_4-C at the foot and toe of the slope were significantly less than those at the shoulder and back of the slope , which indicates that the loss of new carbon at deposited sites was greater .

  10. 矸石山矸石流及坡脚滑移控制

    Control of slide of slope angle adn fluid of waste hill

  11. 边坡开挖对坡脚建筑影响分析

    The influence of excavating slope to building at the bottom of the slope

  12. 梯形摩擦离合器对梯形渠道坡脚变形缝结构形式的改进

    Ladder-Shaped Friction Clutch Improvement of Toe Joint Structure of Trapezoidal Concrete Lining Canals

  13. 堤防背坡脚水平排水技术开发与研究

    Development and Research of Technology of Horizontal Drainage from Downstream Slope Toe of Levees

  14. 我看到一个猪脸的坡脚欧巴桑。

    I gotta pig-face , gimpy limping Mama .

  15. 以相反证明方式确定的大陆坡脚;

    Foot of the continental slope determined by means of evidence to the contrary ;

  16. 边坡开挖后最大的剪切应变发生在坡顶和坡脚处。

    After excavation , the largest shear strain occurs at top and toe of slopes .

  17. 大气降水既增大了斜坡的静水压力,又减弱了岩土体的抗剪强度,河流侧蚀掏空坡脚,使岩体失去支撑以及人类工程活动破坏斜坡稳定条件等因素是滑坡形成的外在原因。

    Precipitation , unsupported rock body from erosion of river , human activity are external reasons .

  18. 后者常表现为斜坡坡脚部分存在有“嵌凹”;

    The latter often shows that there is a " chop concave " on the slope base .

  19. 河谷坡脚处的崩积体通常只影响到谷底较窄的地带。

    Colluvial deposits at the foot of valley slopes usually affect only narrow strips of valley bottom .

  20. 路肩及坡脚处未充分利用桩间土的承载潜力。

    The bearing capacity of soil among piles at road shoulder and toe of slope is underutilization .

  21. 挖方段坡脚线及坡顶线的测量放样方法初析

    Initial analysis on the measurement and locating methods of the toe line and top line in the excavation section

  22. 从土家人的语言态度看土家语濒危&坡脚土家语个案研究之二

    A Second Case Study on the Declination of " Tujia " Ethnic Language by the Tujias ' Language Attitude

  23. 该类型滑坡的产生是由于路基堆载使坡体产生垂直方向的压缩变形,也使坡体向坡脚方向产生一定的挤出变形,最后诱发了推动式滑坡。

    This kind of landslide results from vertical compressive deformation of slope mass and some extrusion deformation of slope toe .

  24. 弧形坡脚梯形渠道砼衬砌冻胀破坏的力学模型研究

    Research of the frost heaving destruction mechanics model of the concrete lining channel in trapezoidal section with curved slop toe

  25. 湿润气候区降雨时影响土体深度大,降雨后覆盖层内水分朝向坡脚运动。

    In humid region , deep soils were affected during rainfall , moisture transfers to toe of slope after rainfall .

  26. 滇西北泥盆纪海槽中的陆源碎屑海底扇及坡脚碳酸盐异地沉积

    Submarine fan of terrigenous debris and allochthonous carbonate sediments on the base of slope in the Devonian trough in West Yunnan

  27. 根据分析结果,锚索可以有效地提高边坡的稳定性,锚索的最有效作用位置在边坡中部到坡脚附近。

    According to analysis results , the most suitable location of the cable within the slope is near the slope toe .

  28. 研究尼日尔三角洲深水坡脚逆冲带沉积样式、构造对沉积的控制可以揭示深水沉积分布与演化特征。

    Researches on sedimentary patterns and structural control across toe thrust belts can demonstrate the distribution and evolution of deep-water sediments .

  29. 大敖堤围迎水坡脚挡土墙及护滩设计方案

    Desing Scheme for the Soil-Blocking Wall at the Foot of Facing Water Slope and the Beach Protection in Da ' ao Dyke Round

  30. 由于复杂应力演化条件作用,岩质边坡坡脚处产生的沿开挖方向的变形最大。

    The deformation along the direction of excavation at foot of the rock slope was maximum because of the rule of complicated stress evolution .