
  • 网络Dam break flood;dam failure flood
  1. 某水库溃坝洪水计算

    Calculation of dam failure flood of some reservoir

  2. 通过进行溃坝洪水计算,可预测溃坝后,溃水的淹没范围和程度,以便采取措施,减少损失。

    By calculation of dam failure flood , the flooded area and degree can be predicted , so that the measures should be taken to reduce the loss .

  3. 基于OpenGL的溃坝洪水实时交互仿真显示

    Real-time interactive simulation shows for dam-break flood based on openGL technology

  4. 溃坝洪水涌波和水下冲击波,在数学上分别表现为浅水方程和Euler方程的广义解(也称为物理解)。

    Dam-break flood wave and underwater shock wave are the physical solution of shallow water equations and Euler equations respectively .

  5. 用TVD格式预测溃坝洪水波的演进

    Dam break flood wave routing by using TVD scheme

  6. 对于溃坝洪水,其初始条件本身就是间断的,构成了浅水方程的Riemann问题。

    In the dam-break flood wave problem , the initial values are discontinuous , which constitutes the Riemann problem of shallow water equations .

  7. 二维溃坝洪水波的演进绕流和反射的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of propagation diffraction and reflection of 2-D dam-break wave

  8. 中国实行溃坝洪水保险的可行性研究

    Study on the feasibility of dam-break flood insurance in China

  9. 溃坝洪水长波与地面障碍物作用的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the interaction between dam breaking long wave with obstacle

  10. 考虑矿砂淤积的尾矿坝溃坝洪水数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Mine Tailing Dam-Break Considering Sediment Deposition

  11. 溃坝洪水波在天然梯级水库中的传播

    Dam-break flood wave propagation in the natural cascade reservoirs

  12. 上游溃坝洪水在某水库水文计算中的影响分析

    Influence Analysis on Upstream Dam Breaking Flood in Hydrological Computation of Downriver Reservoir

  13. 用混合有限分析法求解二维溃坝洪水波的演进

    Numerical simulation of 2-D dam - break flood waves by Hybrid Finite Analytic Method

  14. 用守恒元和解元法数值模拟二维溃坝洪水波

    Numerical simulation of 2-D dam-break wave by using conservation element and solution element method

  15. 数学上,可采用浅水方程来描述溃坝洪水波的流动。

    Mathematically , the dam-break problem is commonly described by the shallow water equations .

  16. 山南水库溃坝洪水分析

    Analysis of Dam Bursting Flood of Shannan Reservoir

  17. 基于通量分裂的一维溃坝洪水时空二阶精度格式研究

    Research on Space-Time Second-Order Scheme for One Dimensional Dam Flow Based on Flux Splitting Method

  18. 溃坝洪水数值模拟

    Digital simulation of dam breach flood

  19. 新疆平原拦河水库溃坝洪水演进的数值模拟计算

    Mathematical Simulation Calculation for Dam - routed Flood of Plain River - weir Reservoir in Xinjiang

  20. 叶尔羌河上游有冰原湖,1~2年就会发生一次冰川溃坝洪水。

    Yeerqiang River upstream lake ice , 1 ~ 2 years will be an ice dam-break flood occurred .

  21. 系统对不同频率条件下的流量过程以及溃坝洪水的演进过程进行了动态演示。

    In this systerm , the discharge process of different frequency and evolution of dam-break flood were shown .

  22. 这种格式适用于模拟天然河道或水库中的溃坝洪水波传播。

    The scheme can be applied to simulating dam - break flood wave propagation in the natural river courses .

  23. 最后利用已发生溃决心墙坝的溃坝洪水资料验证了建议数值模型的合理性。

    Finally , the validity of the proposed model is verified by the observation data of a clay core dam with sandy gravel .

  24. 进一步对溃坝洪水长波与地面障碍物的作用进行数值模拟,得到了合理的结果。

    Further , numerical simulating studies about the interaction of a dam breaking long wave with an obstacle have also been done with reasonable results .

  25. 以溃坝洪水数值模拟和地理信息系统技术作支持,设计了溃坝救助支持系统的总体结构框架及系统各模块的功能和运算流程。

    With support of dam-break flood numerical simulation and GIS , combined with China 's national conditions , overall framework of dam-break rescue support system is designed .

  26. 溃坝洪水演进过程影响因素复杂,本文进一步模拟了不同河道工况下的溃坝波,包括不同水深比、不同坡降比、不同弯曲程度等。

    The process of dam-break flood is very complex , further more , this text simulate the dam-break waves of different channels , including water depth ratio , slope ratio , degree of bending .

  27. 建立了溃坝洪水演进模拟的一维模型和二维模型。

    Then the largest discharge and hydrograph of discharge of dam breach were simulated under the conditions of dam-break . ( 2 ) One dimension model and two dimension model were established for routing simulation of dam-bursting flood .

  28. 第三,采用本文建立的新的CE/SE数值格式来离散浅水方程,建立了基于非结构混合网格的二维数学模型来研究复杂边界下的溃坝洪水波的运动特性。

    Thirdly , the shallow water equations are discretized by the new modified CE / SE method . Two-dimensional numerical model on the 2-D unstructured mixed meshes are constructed . On this basis , the dynamic characteristic of dam-break flood waves is studied on the complicated computational regions .

  29. 溃坝洪水波计算模型的实际应用结合具体实际工程项目,利用所建立的模型,预测溃坝时的洪水演进过程,为溃坝洪水的灾害性分析提供科学依据。

    The practical application of dam break flood wave computation model With specific actual project , the dam-break model that has been established will be applied to forecast flood evolution process when the dam is broken . To catastrophe analysis of the dam-break flood , which provides scientific basis .

  30. 狭窄库区和开阔溃坝区溃坝洪水物模试验研究

    Experimental Study on Dam Break Flood for Narrow Reservoir Front and Wide Dam Break Front