
  • 网络Torrential Rain and Disasters;rainstorm disasters
  1. 如何评估这次暴雨灾害对重庆市造成的社会经济损失是一个值得研究的课题。

    How to evaluate the economic losses of rainstorm disasters is a worthy research region .

  2. 基于GIS的蔬菜暴雨灾害损失评估业务系统

    A GIS-based operation system for evaluation of vegetable disaster loss caused by excessive rain

  3. 中尺度对流复合体(MCC)会给华北平原带来暴雨灾害。

    The Mesoscale Convective Complex ( MCC ) can generate the torrential rainfall in the North China Plain .

  4. 利用GIS的空间分析与地图制作功能,对省暴雨灾害进行风险评估,划分灾害区划等级,绘制江苏省暴雨灾害的风险区划图。

    With the aid of GIS spatial analysis and mapping function , this paper makes risk evaluation of rainstorm disaster in Jiangsu province , divides the level of disaster regionalization and draws the map of risk zoning of rainstorm disaster in Jiangsu province .

  5. 湖北省暴雨灾害及防御对策初探

    Approach on Rainstorm Disaster and its prevention measures in Hubei Province

  6. 利用人工降雨手段化汛期特大暴雨灾害为可利用水资源

    Transforming Potential Disastrous Heavy Rainfall into Utilizable Water Resources by Weather Modification

  7. 其主要气象灾害是台风灾害和暴雨灾害。

    The main climatic disasters in Macao are typhoons and torrential rain .

  8. 基于相关分析的淮河流域暴雨灾害风险评估

    Rainstorm Risk Assessment of Huaihe River Based on Correlation Analysis

  9. 利用ARC/INFO对上海市郊承受暴雨灾害能力的评价

    Evaluation of excessive rainfall disaster-bearing ability in Shanghai suburbs by arc / info

  10. 广州市的大暴雨灾害及其天气成因分析

    The Analysis of Disasters from Heavy Rainstorm in Guangzhou

  11. 结合常规气象资料,探索了利用气象卫星遥感资料监测暴雨灾害的方法。

    The methods for using meteorological satellite data to detect rainstorm disaster are studied .

  12. 一种新的暴雨灾害预报非线性建模方法

    New Nonlinear Prediction Model for Rainstorm Disaster

  13. 暴雨灾害的监测与预警业务应用平台研究

    Research on Operational Application Platform for Monitoring , Forecasting , Warning of Heavy Rain Disasters

  14. 在目前的科学技术条件下,暴雨灾害还不能被根治,如何有效的防范暴雨灾害、减少损失是值得研究的。

    How to prevent rainstorm disaster effectively and reduce economic loss is worthy to research .

  15. 扶风县7·14特大暴雨灾害致灾因素分析

    An Analysis on Factors of An Extra Rainstorm Causing Disaster in July 14 in Fufeng County

  16. 淮河上游的暴雨灾害和防治

    The Prevention and Control of the Disaster of the Heavy rainfall in the Upper Reaches of Huaihe

  17. 重庆市2007.7特大暴雨灾害对社会经济的影响及对策研究

    Research for Influence of Heavy Rainstorm Disaster to Social Economy and Countermeasures of Chongqing in July 2007

  18. 同时连续的暴雨灾害还引起一连串的次生灾害,持续的对社会生产造成影响。

    And continuous rainstorm makes a series of second disasters , which continue to work on social production .

  19. 暴雨灾害是一种世界性的自然灾害,同时也是一个世界性的难题。

    The rainstorm disaster is one kind of worldwide natural disasters , simultaneously it is also a worldwide difficult problem .

  20. 暴雨灾害对社会经济产生巨大的破坏作用,不仅表现在直接经济损失上,还表现在间接经济损失上。

    The rainstorm disaster has the huge destructive effect to the social economy , not only to direct economy , but also to indirect economy .

  21. 上周六晚,中国北部河北省邢台市市长就本次暴雨灾害应对不力,造成25人死亡及13人失联向民众道歉。

    The mayor of Xingtai City in north China 's Hebei Province apologized last Saturday night for inadequate responses to the storms that have caused 25 deaths and 13 missing in the city .

  22. 福建省防汛抗旱指挥部表示,漳州市和厦门市遭遇一百多年以来最严重的暴雨灾害,造成1人死亡,1人失踪。

    The provincial flood control and drought relief headquarters says torrential rain , the biggest in more than a century in cities of Zhangzhou and Xiamen , have left one person dead and another missing .

  23. 崔永元,中国中央电视台著名节目主持人,于周一时间与154名暴雨中救人的平民英雄共进晚宴,以示尊敬。这些无私救人者,在暴雨灾害中救起大约200人。

    Cui Yongyuan , a famous anchorman from China Central Television , treated 154 migrant workers to dinner on Monday evening to show respect for their heroic behavior in rescuing about 200 people trapped in a torrential downpour .

  24. 现场所有被邀请的农民工,在丰台区一家污水处理厂工作,在60年一遇的暴雨灾害中争分夺秒地转移被困居民。

    All invited migrant workers , who work for a water treatment factory in the Fengtai district of Beijing , raced against time to transfer people stranded by floodwaters on an expressway when the heaviest rainfall in 61 years lashed Beijing on July 21 .

  25. 基于GIS的松花江干流暴雨洪涝灾害风险评估

    GIS-based Risk Assessment on Rain and Flood Disasters of Songhua River

  26. 基于GIS的城市社区暴雨内涝灾害风险评估

    GIS-Based Disaster Risk Assessment of the Urban Community Rainstorm Waterlogging

  27. 030704南京市特大暴雨内涝灾害的仿真模拟

    Mathematical Simulation of Rainstorm Waterlogging on " 030704 " in Nanjing City

  28. 上海市暴雨积水灾害成因及防治对策研究

    Research on the cause and its preventive and curing countermeasures

  29. 中国暴雨洪涝灾害的统计分析

    A statistical analysis of the storm flood disasters in China

  30. 暴雨山洪灾害预警监测系统的研究与实现

    Research & Implementation on the Pre-alarming and Supervising System of Hill-flood Disaster