
bào fù
  • get rich quick;sudden wealth;suddenly rich;parvenu;have hit paydirt;have struck paydirt
暴富 [bào fù]
  • [get rich quick] 突然发财致富,也指暴富的人

暴富[bào fù]
  1. 他们共有的这种心理状态叫做“暴富综合征”。

    We have coined the term " Sudden Wealth Syndrome " to describe their shared psychological issues .

  2. 四家长都抱有一夜暴富,一夜成名的侥幸心理。

    Four parents all embrace for a night sudden wealth , become famous for a night of by luck mental .

  3. 即使你有能力成为一个大富豪,如果没有一夜暴富也不要悲伤。

    Even though you have the ability to become a multimillionaire , don 't get upset if it doesn 't happen overnight .

  4. 如此,他们既没有像当初希望得那样一夜暴富,也不能再享有与日俱增的好运气了。

    Thus , they neither got rich all at once , as they had hoped , nor enjoyed any longer the daily addition to their wealth .

  5. 他们“暴富”的来源在上世纪90年代后期通常指网络概念股狂潮阶段以及纳斯达克股市狂飙时期。

    The " wealth " part of sudden wealth syndrome has normally been associated with the riches accumulated from dot-com IPOs and the rapid rise of the Nasdaq stock market in the late 90s .

  6. 第二,鉴于现代的高管薪酬结构,CEO会一夜暴富。

    Two , the CEO will immediately be made incredibly wealthy by modern executive compensation .

  7. 所有的孩子都梦想一YE暴富,当律师,或者去华尔街什么的。

    All kids are dreaming of quick and dirty cash , lawyers , Wall Street , etc.

  8. n.模式;方式;风格暴富改变了他的生活方式。

    mode He suddenly became wealthy , which changed his mode of life .

  9. 眼下,硅谷也被一种妄图一夜暴富的气氛笼罩着,华尔街投资者们竞相购买场外交易的社交媒体公司股票,Facebook、Twitter和它们的效仿者都是被热捧的对象。

    A get-rich-quick atmosphere is also enveloping Silicon Valley at the moment , with Wall Street investors competing to buy privately-traded shares in social media companies such as Facebook , Twitter and their imitators .

  10. 如果记录生活中的艰难时刻的做法是一种药物,德雷克·贝尔(DrakeBaer)在商业内幕(BusinessInsider)网站上写道,一些不知名的制药公司就可以一夜暴富了。

    And if writing about the difficult parts of your life were a drug , writes Drake Baer at Business Insider , it would be making bank for some faceless pharmaceutical company .

  11. f]=boffo['bɔfəu]暴富boffo可做形容词,boff不可做形容词【俚语】adj.风行一时的;极其成功的,效果极好的,很受欢迎的n.高声大笑;开怀大笑;卖座的戏;为博取大笑的台词

    a hearty laugh something that is conspicuously successful A line in a play or film , for example , that elicits a big laugh :

  12. “如果记录生活中的艰难时刻的做法是一种药物,”德雷克·贝尔(DrakeBaer)在商业内幕(BusinessInsider)网站上写道,“一些不知名的制药公司就可以一夜暴富了。”

    And " if writing about the difficult parts of your life were a drug , " writes Drake Baer at Business Insider , " it would be making bank for some faceless pharmaceutical company . "

  13. 也许防止商业欺诈的最好办法是不要试图一夜暴富,要取得成功,商界人士必须努力工作、务实(getdowntobrasstacks)。

    Perhaps the best way to prevent getting ripped off in business is to not try to get rich quickly . To be successful , a person in business works hard and tries to get down to brass tacks .

  14. 一夜暴富的人是被人们所不齿的。

    To be rich over night was despised at that time .

  15. 以我的业余爱好为由让你一夜暴富。

    Using my hobby as an excuseto make you rich .

  16. 在中国,一夜暴富的时代已经结束了。

    The era of quick profit is over in China .

  17. 他想我怎么能够迅速暴富。

    How can I get rich fast , he wondered .

  18. 暴富白人总算是掌权了!

    WeII , for once , the rich white man is in controI .

  19. 少数民营企业老板或国企高管层借改革之机一夜暴富,充分说明改革的政策导向是至关重要的。

    All this shows the policy direction of the reform is very important .

  20. 那些贫儿暴富的故事我听腻了。

    I am fed up with those rag-to-riches story .

  21. 有的人想变得富有,一夜暴富;

    Some people want to be rich , dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight .

  22. 她的亲身经历完全就是一夜暴富的神话。

    Her own experience is a dramatic rags-to-riches story .

  23. 创始人迅速暴富。

    Its founders became very rich , very quickly .

  24. 她一路从赤贫走过暴富。

    She 's gone from rags to riches .

  25. 真的吗?那么,为什么一个人鱼会愿意令你暴富?

    Really ? Now , why would a mermaid want to make you rich ?

  26. 就像我不可能一夜暴富一样,是吧?

    Like , I 'm probably not going to become famous overnight , right ?

  27. 那样你就会说寡妇暴富。

    And then you 're talking widow money .

  28. 你是不是一夜暴富了?

    You must have struck it rich overnight .

  29. 他从没有想过他会突然走运,一夜暴富,或者意外获得横财。

    He thought he would never strike it rich or gain lots of money unexpectedly .

  30. 几千的希望暴富的淘金者穿过阿拉斯加到育空地区。

    Thousands of gold seekers traveled to the Yukon through Alaska hoping to get rich .