
  • 网络rodolfo borrel;Borel;Heine-Borel
  1. 这里面很多的数学工作都是由冯·诺伊曼做出的,他推进了法国数学家E.博雷尔1921年的论文中的想法。

    Much of the mathematical work had been done by von Neumann , taking up ideas first published by the French mathematician E. Borel in 1921 .

  2. 博雷尔说,最近在地中海东部的海军调动非常令人担忧。

    Borrell says the latest naval mobilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean are extremely worrying .

  3. 博雷尔定义了游戏中的纯策略和混合策略。

    Borel had defined ' pure ' and ' mixed ' strategies in game-playing .

  4. 在开平面上有穷正级代数体函数存在最大型博雷尔方向这一工作成果的基础上,证实了单位圆内有穷正级代数体函数的最大型博雷尔点的存在性。

    The paper proves the existence of the maximum Borel Point of algebroidal function with finite order in a unit circle .

  5. 博雷尔和国王的的关系非常密切,国王希望他能够全身心投入到预备队球员的更新工作中。

    Borrell will also work closer with manager Kenny Dalglish and will be able to keep him fully updated on the reserve team players .

  6. 就是这3个人麦克帕兰德、博雷尔、塞古拉将会在利物浦俱乐部的未来起到重要作用。

    And these three men , McParland , Segura and Borrell will play a very important role in the future of Liverpool Football Club .

  7. 他在加泰罗尼亚巨人发展的球员同时和博雷尔联系到了一起&如巴尔德斯、伊涅斯塔和阿特塔。

    His role with the Catalan giants also saw him develop some of the players Borrell was associated with but also Victor Valdes , Andes Iniesta and Mikel Arteta .

  8. 现在的博雷尔有资格提升为预备队的主教练&能让年轻的球员得到进一步的发展,并且希望他们能够更多的为一线队出场效力。

    It now makes sense for Borrell to move into heading up the reserve team to further develop those young players and hopefully get more involved in the first team .

  9. 去年夏天科克比发生了重大变化,包括麦克帕兰德、达格利什、赛古拉以及博雷尔等人的加盟大大增加了青训学院的效率。

    The gaffer instigated big changes down in Kirkby last summer , with the likes of Frank McParland , Kenny Dalglish , Pep Segura and Rodolfo Borrell being drafted in .

  10. 他信任西班牙教练,鲁道夫•博雷尔,在他成长中所扮演的角色,并感觉俱乐部的年轻球员在前巴塞罗那人的手中前程光明。

    He credits Spanish coach , Rodolfo Borrell for the role he played in his development and feels the club 's youngsters in are in safe hands with the former Barcelona man .

  11. 为红军奉献的挑战同样不小,但这会让你觉得博雷尔将竭尽所能地发挥自己的能力帮助利物浦发展球队。

    That challenge remains as great as ever , but you tend to feel that with Borrell Liverpool are in great hands and he will do everything he can to develop this team .

  12. 同时,我们不能忘记博雷尔同志的老搭档&塞古拉,他同样在利物浦足球俱乐部的发展中扮演着重要的角色。

    However , it is important to remember that Borell is just one half of this double act Jose Segura will also play a very important role in the development of Liverpool Football Club .

  13. 不可否认红军球迷们希看博雷尔能在未来帮助默西塞德郡巨人取得同巴萨那样水平的成功。

    No doubt Liverpool fans will be hoping that Borrell can enjoy a similar level of success at Liverpool and in the future we will be raving about Liverpool in a similar way to Barcelona .

  14. 事实上,塞古拉负责青训营的工作,而博雷尔则有非常重要的工作&负责沟通青年队和预备队以及一线队之间的关系。

    The fact that Segura is in charge of the academy and Borrell of the reserves is very important and provide that link from the youth team to the reserve team to the first team .

  15. 博雷尔帮助巴萨发展了一批像梅西、皮克、法布雷加斯、博扬、多斯桑托斯、帕切科这样的人物(现在利物浦)。

    Borrell helped develop some of Barcelona 's players of the past and present such as Lionel Messi , Gerard Pique , Cesc Fabregas , Bojan Krkic , Giovanni Dos Santos and Dani Pacheco ( now at Liverpool ) .