
  • 网络humanitarianism;philanthropy;narcissisticphilanthropy;philanthropism
  1. 通过Masdar科技研究所(MasdarInstituteofScienceandTechnology,简称MIST)了解到,阿布扎比希望无论是他们的理念,还是产品都贴上清洁技术的标签,而不仅仅是博爱主义和绿色凭据。

    Through the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology or MIST , Abu Dhabi wants its stamp on the clean technology chain from concept to product . It 's not all about philanthropy and green credentials .

  2. 此外,请你告诉我干吗我不应沉迷于博爱主义。博爱主义,是那些存心和自己的同类过不去的人的避难所。

    Besides , I want you to tell me why I should not go in for philanthropy . Philanthropy be the refuge of people who wish to annoy their fellow creature .

  3. 它与博爱主义和利他主义很相近。

    Ithas the close proximity with the philanthropism and altruism .

  4. 信奉博爱主义的企业家克莱门特·斯通建议你以写信的来表达你对别人能的信念。

    Businessman-philanthropist W.Clement Stone suggests that you express your faith in a letter .

  5. 信奉博爱主义的企业家克莱门特·斯通建议你以写信的方式来表达你对别人能获得成功的信念。

    Businessman-philanthropist W. Clement Stone suggests that you express your faith in a letter .

  6. 因此,支持联邦,我们就支持了自由人和博爱主义者所珍视的一切。

    In supporting it , therefore , we support all that is dear to the freeman and the philanthropist .

  7. 最后,本文分析了《紫色》所表现的宽容、博爱的人道主义精神。

    Finally , this thesis analyzes the humanist spirit which advocates tolerance , equality and fraternity .

  8. 缓刑的产生得益于自由、平等、博爱等体现人道主义的思想随着欧洲文艺复兴运动在欧洲广为传播,到了十八世纪以后,这些理念慢慢渗透于刑罚理论,报应刑理念开始动摇。

    As the renaissance movement was popular in Europe in the eighteenth century , these ideas penetrated into the punishment theory slowly and the idea of retributive punishment began to waver .

  9. 如何铲除法西斯光头党,如何唤醒已被他们毒害的年轻人的博爱平等及爱国主义的理性,是俄罗斯政府急需解决的大问题。

    How to eradicate " Fascist – the bald party " and how to awaken the philanthropy , equality and patriotic rationality of the young people which were deeply poisoned by it are tough problems that urgently need to be solved by the Russian government .