
hào shēng
  • Bugle sound;trumpethush
号声[hào shēng]
  1. 到处响起了号声。

    Bugles sounded everywhere .

  2. 一只号声天鹅滑过黄石河河面。

    A trumpeter swan glides across the surface of the Yellowstone River .

  3. 第三次号声,师父,就像尤博迪诺说过的那样。

    The third trumpet , master , as ubertino said .

  4. 号声天鹅一度濒临灭绝,不过现在,它们的数量正有所上升。

    Trumpeter swans once faced extinction ; today their numbers are rebounding .

  5. 小喇叭的号声渐渐融进管弦乐的背景音乐。

    The trumpet call melts gradually into the orchestral background .

  6. 我们听见号兵吹响了撤退的号声。

    We heard the trumpeter sound the retreat .

  7. 他的歌声腾越于所有其他人的歌声之上,和清澈的铜号声糅合在一起。

    His voice rose above all the others , blending with that of the lucid horn .

  8. 他吹响了撤退的号声。

    He sounded the retreat .

  9. 与此同时,普鲁士士兵的操练完回营的号声在我们的窗户下回响。

    At the same moment , the bugles of the Prussians returning from drill blared under our windows .

  10. 听到号声,我们跳下床,出去做早操。

    At the bugle , we jumped out of bed and went out to do the morning exercises .

  11. 在桅顶飘扬的信号旗(军事)日落时发出降旗信号的号声。

    Pennants flying from the masthead . ( military ) a bugle call signaling the lowering of the flag at sunset .

  12. 一只号声天鹅滑过黄石河河面。号声天鹅一度濒临灭绝,不过现在,它们的数量正有所上升。

    A trumpeter swan glides across the surface of the Yellowstone River . Trumpeter swans once faced extinction ; today their numbers are rebounding .

  13. 号声响起,圣火熄灭,伴随着奥运会歌的旋律,奥运会会旗降下,奥运会结束。

    A fanfare is sound-ed , the Olympic fire is extinguished , and to the strains of the Olympic hymn the Olympic flag is lowered and the Games are over .

  14. 熄灯号英军的两个熄灯号之一,在晚上吹响以作为就寝的信号夜渐渐深了,天空划过远处军营传来的熄灯号声。

    Either of two bugle calls in the British Army , sounded in the evening as a signal to retire to quarters . Night getting deeper , bugles of some far-away barracks streaked across the sky .

  15. 在一通掌声、鼓声、号声和叫声的混杂中,这一支由大约50位衣着鲜亮的男子、妇女和儿童(还有一位穿着白色长袍的外国人)所组成的队伍开始了穿越小镇的午夜进行曲。

    In a cacophony of clapping , drumming , honking and ululating , this group of about 50 colourfully dressed men , women and children ( and one white-robed foreigner ) began a midnight march through town .

  16. 夜渐渐深了,天空划过远处军营传来的熄灯号声。当她打开手提包的时候,他记起了她的芳香,那天夜里他到她的住处喝饮料时她曾和他肌肤相亲过。

    Night getting deeper , bugles of some far-away barracks streaked across the sky . When she opened her purse , he remembered her perfume . It had clung to his skin the night he went to her place for a drink .