- extra;extra of a newspaper

[extra of a newspaper] 报社在遇有重大突发事件,欲向大众作迅速报道,所临时印发的新闻纸。因不在每日新闻纸的出版编号之内,故称号外
The paper published an extra to announce the end of the war .
The Public Library Should Pay Attention to Collecting the Extra Edition
The relationship between apolipoprotein H gene polymorphism and stroke in Changsha Hans
Of the five cases examined for heterozygous deletion mutation of 11 exon of the c-kit gene two were found positive .
Results ( 1 ) The levels of fasting C-peptide of c / t and t / t genotype of exon 16 were higher than c / c genotype .
Objective To establish a method of extracting DNA from the paraffin-embedded epidermal tissue and examine the amplification of β - catenin gene by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) analysis .
Results No abnormal SSCP bands were found in the 30 individuals and the results of DNA direct sequencing were also normal .
Missense mutations of exons 14 and 18 of Wilson 's disease gene in Chinese patients
PCR-SSCP and DNA direct sequencing analysis in detecting mutation in exon 3 coding region of adiponectin gene
Cloning and Sequencing of Junction Fragment with Exon 51 Deletion of Dystrophin Gene
Study of RET Proto-oncogene Exon 13 DNA Polymorphism in Patients with Hirschsprung 's Disease in Tianjin District
The mutations , including in-frame deletions at exon 19 and substitutions at exon 18 or exon 21 , cluster around ATP-binding pocket of TK domain .
Gossip girl : spotted -- Chuck bass losing something , no one knew he had to begin with - his heart . -
The Study of Mutation in Exon 12 of Wilsons Disease ( WD ) Gene in Chinese Peole
Results : IVS2nt-42 G-A was found in the flanking of exon 2 in all seven samples .
Mutation Detection on Exon 1 and 2 of Parkin Gene in Sporadic Early-onset Parkinson 's Disease
Difference study on sporadic Parkinson 's disease and familial Parkinson 's disease in exon 4 of Parkin gene
Methods 112 samples of genome DNA from 10 NIDDM pedigrees were collected . Exon 2 10 of glucokinase gene were amplified by PCR and screened with SSCP electrophoresis and silver staining .
A heterozygous mutation of exon 4 in a case with LCD I was discovered which was R124C ;
Deletion-type DMD patients were examined by multiplex polymerase chain reaction ( mPCR ) . The breakpoints of junction fragments with 46 and 51 exon deletions were cloned and sequenced respectively .
METHODS : The conventional phenol extraction method was used to withdraw DNA from peripheral blood , and polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism analysis ( PCR-SCCP ) was applied to detect the mutation of the 5th and 8th exons in presenilin-1 gene .
The 4th exon of IDH1 and IDH2 were amplified using polymerase chain reaction method and the DNA sequencing of purified products was applied .
Methods Mutations in exon 5 and exon 8 of PS-1 gene among 68 patients with SAD were screened by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism ( PCR-SSCP ) analysis .
Results The PCR-SSCP patterns of exon 5 and exon 8 of PS-1 gene among all subjects showed two single strands respectively . No mobility shifts were found .
Surprise ! A week before Apple Inc.unveils details for its watch , Chinese smartphone maker Huawei came out with a digital watch of its own , with sapphire crystal , stainless steel band and the design aspirations of a Swiss timepiece .
Because of the deletion of 17 exon , the middle CC domain was destroyed ; and the deletion of 36 exon resulted the termination of translation , thus affecting the PH domain and C2 domain .
The characteristics of mutation of the Wilson disease gene ( atp7b ) exon 16 in Chinese
Objective To study the mechanisms of dystrophin gene deletion by cloning and sequencing the junction fragment of dystrophin gene with exons 3 to 5 deletion .
484 T to C transition in exon 3 ( codon 142 ), resulting in replacement of a cysteine residue by arginine ( 484T > C , C142R ) .
Analysis of polymorphism at position + 8006 in exon 2 of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in patients with acute myocardial infarction