
hào fáng
  • reception office;a janitor's room;janitor;mark out houses as billets,etc.
号房 [hào fáng]
  • (1) [janitor;janitor's room]∶旧时守门者的俗称。后称门房,今称传达室

  • (2) [mark out houses as billets,etc.]∶指军队到某地驻扎前派人安排住房的工作

号房[hào fáng]
  1. 他住在405号房。

    He lives in room no.405 .

  2. 哪个F号房里的天真的小宝贝把调味酱弄倒在董事身上?

    One of the cherubic little babes in her own room F'sauced'a Trustee ?

  3. 你也可以把它说成一个数字,如Roomfivehundredandseventynine(579号房)。

    You can also say them as one number , 579 , e.g.Room five hundred and seventy-nine .

  4. n.走廊同:passageway在走廊的尽头,你将找到101号房。

    corridor You will find Room 101 at the end of the corridor .

  5. 汤米·狄伦,刚加入唱诗班,边唱上楼梯,唱下走廊去,他越靠近F号房,歌声就越大声。

    Tommy Dillon , who had joined the choir , came singing up the stairs and down the corridor , his chant growing louder as he approached room F.

  6. 这儿是117号房,我们刚刚入住。

    This is room 117 and we have just checked in .

  7. 我是913号房的安格斯·豪斯,想结账离店。

    I 'm Augus House in913 . I 'm checking out .

  8. 他在下节车厢d号房。

    He 's in bedroom " d ", next car .

  9. 102号房的灯好像是坏了。

    It seems that the lights in Room 102 do not work .

  10. 五号房的孩子需要缝针,头部撕裂,伤口四厘米。

    And the kid in five needs stitches - 4-centimeter head laceration .

  11. 是的,我是唐纳生先生,305号房。

    Yes , please . This is Mr. Donaldson , room 305 .

  12. 《十九号房》中叙述者的功能

    The Functions of the Narrator in To Room Nineteen

  13. 刷卡或付现?请记在180号房的帐上。

    Will this be charge or cash ? Please charge to Room 180 .

  14. 那四号房的那个呢?

    Uh , what about the guy in four ?

  15. 他正在六号房等你。

    He 's waiting for you in room six .

  16. 丹尼刚走进217号房。

    Oh , Danny just went into room 217 .

  17. 我来找卡夫瑞11号房

    I 'm here for caffrey , Room 11 .

  18. 101号房,那个军官说。

    ' Room 101 , ' said the officer .

  19. 喂,这是301号房。

    Hello , this is from Room 301 .

  20. 你能给告诉他回电话到希尔顿酒店579号房?

    Would you tell him to call me at the Hilton hotel room NO.579 ?

  21. 安排迪迈洛小姐进五号房。

    Please put Miss Dimello in Room 5 .

  22. 本章分析表明《到十九号房》中的叙述者是故事外∕非人物、外显、可靠的叙述者。

    The narrator in To Room Nineteen is aheterodiegetic / non-character overt reliable one .

  23. 那是几号房在吵呢?

    Which room is the noise coming from ?

  24. 先生,·您住几号房?

    What room are you in , sir ?

  25. 我是512号房的黄吉米。

    This is Jimmy Huang in room 512 .

  26. 请给我77号房的钥匙。

    My key please , room number 77 .

  27. 你本来住625号房

    I see you were in room 625 .

  28. 我们可以把七号房给你。

    We can put you in bungalow seven .

  29. 101号房,他说。

    ' Room 101 , ' he said .

  30. 德克兰在重症监护室五号房

    Declan 's in I.C.U. , room five .