
hào zi
  • mark;a work song sung to synchronize movements, with one person leading;work song sung to synchronize movement,with one person leading
号子 [hào zǐ]
  • (1) [work song sung to synchronize movement,with one person leading]∶劳动时大伙一起唱的歌,一人领唱,众人应和,以统一步调减轻疲劳

  • (2) [mark]∶标志;记号

号子[hào zi]
  1. 船夫们一边划桨一边喊号子。

    The boatmen accompany the stroke of their oars with the sound of their voices .

  2. 一阵阵号子声,打破了森林的寂静。

    Work songs broke the silence of the forest .

  3. 针对现阶段广泛应用信号子空间跟踪算法PAST算法在低信噪比和强多址干扰情况下,估计出信号子空间有较大的误差而提出一种新的信号子空间概念。

    The signal subspace tracking PAST has a large error in the situation of low signal-to-Noise and strong interference .

  4. 为改善波达方向(DOA)估计性能,提出一种新的角信号子空间概念。

    The direction of arrival ( DOA ) estimate was improved by using the proposed angular subspace concept .

  5. 随后,介绍了OFDM和SC-FDE系统在静态信道中的自适应技术,指出OFDM中自适应技术的不足,并给出了最优信号子空间理论的SC-FDE系统中选信道准则。

    Later , we introduce adaptive techniques in static channels of OFDM and SC-FDE , and point out the techniques defects in OFDM systems .

  6. 在信号空间观点的基础上介绍了最优信号子空间理论,详述了SC-FDE系统最优信号子空间信号传输。

    The concept of optimal signal subspace and the signal transmission based on optimal signal subspace in SC-FDE system are detailed .

  7. 本文详细介绍了我们小组提出的最优信号子空间理论和基于该理论的SC-FDE系统。最优信号子空间理论是研究SC-FDE系统中自适应技术的理论基础。

    Secondly , this thesis gives a detailed introduction of Optimal Signal Subspace theory and the adaptive SC-FDE system based on it .

  8. 该算法利用一组空时相关矩阵的结构化信息,能稳健而精确地估计出信号子空间,从而得到DOA的精确估计。

    The approach exploits the structural information of a set of spatiotemporal correlation matrices , and gives a robust and precise estimation of signal subspace to obtain a precise estimation of DOA .

  9. 当有更多的信道信息可以利用时,文中详细介绍了序列最优信号子空间的概念。在此基础上提出了相对比较复杂,回传信息较多的基于序列最优信号子空间理论SC-FDE系统中的自适应算法。

    Thirdly , this thesis discusses a relatively complex adaptive algorithm based on ordered optimal signal subspace , which needs more feedback information .

  10. OFDM和SC-FDE是宽带无线通信的两种主要支撑技术,论文的主要工作是建立基于最优信号子空间理论的自适应SC-FDE系统并介绍自适应SC-FDE系统的关键技术之&信道估计。

    OFDM and SC-FDE are two supportive technologies of wideband wireless communications , this thesis mainly introduces adaptive SC-FDE system based on OSS and one of key technologies of adaptive SC-FDE system & channel estimation .

  11. 文中使用期望用户的特征波形,可以将盲多用户检测器表示成信号子空间中的一个固定信号与另一个自适应部分之和,其自适应部分的系数可通过Kalman滤波算法进行估计。

    It is shown that the detector can be expressed as the sum of an anchored signal in the signal subspace and an adaptive part using the signature waveform of the desired user . The coefficients of the adaptive part can be estimated by the Kalman filtering .

  12. 这号子里你是老大。

    You 're in this cell , you 're top bunk .

  13. 她会找人送你回号子。

    And she 'll have somebody escort you back to your cell .

  14. 我还没把这间号子处理完呢。

    I 'm not done shaking this cell down yet .

  15. 超定低秩数据阵信号子空间的快速获取

    Fast Retrieval of Signal Subspace of Over-Determined Low-Rank Data Matrix

  16. 通过对接收信号的空间分析,对权向量作信号子空间投影优化取值;

    Weight vector of signal subspace projection is selected .

  17. 这也许是比较急促的号子。

    The work 's chant maybe a rapid one .

  18. 鸣(笛),按(汽车喇叭),吹(喇叭),吹奏(号子);吹(气)

    She blasted her horn at every car and walker in her way .

  19. 最初起源于水手的有节奏的劳动号子。

    A rhythmical work song originally sung by sailors .

  20. 与号子、山歌比,小调体裁有诸多相异之处。

    There are many things which differentiate Xiaodiao from Haozi and mountain songs .

  21. 无线收发式车号子站在信集闭系统中的应用

    The Application of Wireless Transmittal-receiving Locomotive Number Sub-station for Signaling Centralized and Locking System

  22. 他现在坐在拘留所的号子里。

    He is sitting in a jail cell .

  23. 重庆黔江南溪号子的内涵、现状与保护

    Connotation , Status Quo and Protection of Nanxi Work Songs in Qianjiang , Chongqing

  24. 你还想回号子里去再找30天吗?

    Would you like to look back in your cell for30 more days for it ?

  25. 浅析劳动号子的音乐特点

    On the Music Characteristic about Labor Yo-ho

  26. 川江号子的形成、内容与文化精神

    The Formation , Content and Cultural Spirits of the Working Song on the Yangze River

  27. 号子是劳动人民伟大力量的一种艺术形式表现。

    Chant is the great strength of the working people as a form of art expression .

  28. 就这样他们还是唱着激昂而热切的号子,那汹涌澎湃的河水号子。

    And still they sing a vehement , eager chant , the chant of the turbulent waters .

  29. 甘肃的号子有劳动号子、花号子和山歌号子三种。

    Gansu 's chant of the labor chant , flowers chant and chant three kinds of folk songs .

  30. 行军歌、劳动号子、流浪曲、黑人圣歌也都应包括在民歌范围之内。

    Marching songs , work songs , hobo songs and Negro spirituals are also forms of folk song .