
  1. 而在Nb微合金化的基础上,通过控制轧制,则可以大幅度降低脆转温度,实现强度和冲击韧性的同步提高。

    On the basis of Nb microalloying , the brittle-ductile transition temperature may be greatly decreased to simultaneously improve strength and impact toughness by means of controll rolling .

  2. 克服了噪音大、易脆断等缺点!

    So it take over the disadvantage of load noise , easy broken etc.

  3. 鸣山大枣,果大,质脆甜,品质极优,被列为国家名优品种。

    The Mingshan big jujube is a famous native variety of jujube in China .

  4. 利用热处理手段来改善碳化物的析出特征,大幅度降低其脆化效果还较为困难。

    It is very difficult by heat treatment to improve the precipitation character of carbide and reduce their brittle effect .