
  1. 农业联产承包责任制的实施部分程度上导致代际关系紧张;惠农政策的实施促进代际关系缓和;城乡二元结构的松动导致代际关系逆转。

    The implementation of Contract Responsibility system in agriculture lead to the tension between generations in some degrees , the implementation of Benefiting-peasants Policy lead to warming relations between generations , the loose of Urban-rural dual structure lead to reversal of intergenerational relationships .

  2. 20世纪70年代末80年代初的农业生产家庭联产承包责任制和农产品流通体制的市场化改革,使农户成为了农业生产和农产品流通的基本组织单元。

    The household contract responsibility system in agricultural production and market-oriented reforms of agri-products circulation system from late 1970s to early 1980s , make farmers become the basic organizational unit of agricultural production and circulation .

  3. 中央政府采取了一系列重要步骤,如在农业生产中制定联产承包责任制就是其中一例

    The central government has taken a series of important measures , such as the institution of the output-based contract responsibility system in agricultural production