
  • 网络The three pagodas Temple;Phra Prang Sam Yod;Pra Prang Sam Yot temple
  1. 于是从1989年开始,在每年11月份的最后一个周末,人们在三塔寺前摆满猴子们喜欢吃的香蕉、花生等食物,供猴子食用。

    So from the year of 1989 , people offer a lot of food for the monkrys to eat on the last weekend of November .

  2. 向左拐沿着小径走就是玉洱路,你可以发现一家人在院子里修建了一个奇异地方特色的小型神龛,旁边是三塔寺的缩影。

    Turn left down an alley past Yu'er Lu and you will find that one household has constructed a fancy , local-style shrine on its balcony , complete with a set of miniature Three Pagodas .