
  1. 三峡专用公路沿钱安全设施及其设计

    Safety facilities and their designs along the Three Gorges accomodation road

  2. 三峡专用公路特大桥特长隧道桥隧址选线

    Route selection of oversized bridges and tunnels of the Three Gorges accomodation road

  3. 三峡专用公路的设计特点

    Design features of the Three Gorges accomodation road

  4. 综观三峡专用公路的建设,取得的主要经验是:狠抓工程的关键部位和工程质量与安全,突出重点,全面协调。建议今后加强管理,充分发挥工程效益。

    The main experiences gained through the construction of the Three Gorges accomodation road are such as taking vigorous measures to the key locations , quality of works and safety , and overall coordination , strengthening management so as to making full use fulness of the road is suggested .

  5. 莲沱特大桥是三峡工程对外交通专用公路上的重点工程之一。

    Liantuo Large Bridge is one of the key project for the special highway transportation in Three Gorges Project .

  6. 三峡工程对外交通专用公路桥面铺装层设计与施工技术研究

    Special Highway Leading Three Gorges Dam Project to Outside Researches in Design and Construction Technique of Bridge Deck Pavement