
  1. 基于认知地图的城市建筑物利用适宜性评价定量研究巫山县大昌古镇拟选搬迁新址适宜性评价研究

    The quantitative study on the amenity evaluation of the buildings utilization based on cognitive cartographic SUITABILITY OF NEW SITE FOR LOCATING DACHANG ANCIENT TOWN IN WUSHAN COUNTY

  2. 虚拟大昌是将全景图、单幅图像漫游和几何建模相结合的新尝试,借助多媒体手段,实现大昌古镇的数字化文化遗产保护和展示。

    Virtual Dachang integrates panorama , Tour Into the Picture and geometrical modeling . It can fulfil digital protection and exhibit of the culture heritage of Dachang .