
  1. 汉江集团水电公司的竞争战略研究

    The Competition Strategy of the Water & Power Company of Hanjiang Group

  2. 汉江集团就业状况分析及富余人员安置方案

    The Analysis of Hanjiang Group 's Employment Status and Settlement of Its Redundant Workers

  3. 汉江集团增长型战略研究

    The Growth Strategy of Hanjiang Group

  4. 第1章&汉江集团及其产业状况。

    This paper is divided into five chapters : Chapter 1 & Hanjiang group and its industry status .

  5. 汉江集团是1996年10月由水利部丹江口水利枢纽管理局改制成立的大型企业集团。

    Hanjiang Group is a large-sized enterprises , which was established and restructured in October , 1996 by Danjiangkou Administration of Key Water Control subordinate to Ministry of Water Resource .

  6. 最后确定了汉江集团新的增长战略并进行了实施:铝产业实施纵向一体化战略,即实施前向一体化,重点发展铝深加工业;

    Finally , the new growth strategies of Hanjiang group are confirmed and implemented : the aluminum industry implements vertical integration strategy , viz . forward integration , to develop aluminum processing industry mainly ;