
  • 网络wild fish
  1. 野生鱼中含有的omega-3高于人工养殖的鱼。

    Wild fish has higher concentrations of omega-3s than farmed fish .

  2. 海洋野生鱼与养殖鱼比较,其鱼油中含更多的二十碳五烯酸(EPA)、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)、脂溶性维生素等活性成分。

    Compared with cultured fish , the fish oil of ocean wild fish contains much more Eicosapntemacnioc acid ( EPA ), Docosahexenoic acid ( DHA ), fat-soluble vitamin .

  3. 大量的捕捞野生鱼,使得野生鱼难以繁殖生存。

    Some are being fished in the wild so much that they cannot reproduce enough to survive .

  4. 除了在商店购买鱼,野生鱼可能是由运动钓鱼收获个人消费。

    In addition to purchasing fish in a store , wild fish may be harvested for personal consumption by sport anglers .

  5. 大量逃出的鱼会与野生鱼争夺资源、其适合圈养的基因也会削弱当地鱼类基因库。

    unleashing huge numbers of fish which compete for resources and weaken the local gene pool with genes adapted for captivity .

  6. 结果表明,野生鱼肌肉的水分及灰分含量显著高于池养鱼,而粗脂肪含量显著低于池养鱼(P<0.05),两者粗蛋白含量无显著差异(P>0.05);

    The results showed that muscle moisture and ash of wild fish are significantly higher than those of farmed fish ( P < 0.05 );

  7. 在大多数养殖的还是野生鱼和鱼对你更安全?这个问题就更突出。

    Toss in questions about farm-raised versus wild fish and the safety of the fish you catch , and the issue becomes even cloudier .

  8. 借助生殖调控措施,春、夏季获取的野生鱼秋季就可产卵,好卵占23·4%。

    The wild fish captured in spring can spawn in autumn by use of reproductive control method . The viable egg rate is 23.4 % .

  9. 在相同部位的味蕾含量野生鱼比养殖鱼多,这与其生活环境和功能是相适应的。

    There were more taste buds in the same section in wild fish than cultivated fish , it was corresponded to their living condition and function .

  10. 获取野生鱼时的水温与驯养成活率关系密切,5、6、7月份,水温12~22℃时,驯养成活率为50%;

    It is also closely related to the temperature at which the wild fish is captured . The survival rate is 50 % at 12 ~ 22 ℃ of water temperature in May , July , and June .

  11. 这段时间用以喂这只小猫的大头鱼是来自江西的干货,是小溪水里野生的鱼,以前被我用红辣椒做水煮菜,挺好吃的!

    Hello , this time for the bulk of fish leaping from Jiangxi dry stock , fish is in a stream of water . I had boiled the vegetables cooked with red pepper , very good to eat !

  12. 野生哲罗鱼的采捕及运输技术

    Capture and transportation skill for wild Hucho taimen Pallas

  13. 不同培育方式对台湾海峡野生牙鲆亲鱼产卵的影响

    Effect of Different Cultural Mode on the Spawning of Wild Paralichthys olivaceus from Taiwan Strait

  14. 本文研究了产自台湾海峡的野生牙鲆亲鱼的驯养、促熟和产卵。

    This paper deals with the domestication , induced mature and spawning of the wild Japanese flounder , Paralichthys olivaceus , captured from Taiwan Strait .

  15. 说到食物,他吃野生的动物、鱼和一切他能在森林里找到的东西。

    For food , he ate wild animals , fish and anything he could find in the forest .

  16. 在休假日,我有幸看到一些野生海豹在吃鱼。我拍了几张照片,可惜焦点都没对准。

    On my holiday , I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding no fish . I took several photos of them , but unfortunately they were all out of focus .

  17. 野生与养殖黄鳍鲷组织学的区别在于,消化道相同部位养殖鱼的杯状细胞多于野生鱼,野生鱼的肌层厚度大于养殖鱼。

    The major histological differences between wild and cultivated yellowfin black porgy were that there were more goblet cells in the same part of digestive tract in cultivated fish than in wild fish , while the muscular coat was thicker in wild fish than in cultivated fish .

  18. 野生与养殖黄鳍鲷粘液细胞的区别在于消化道的相同部位,养殖鱼比野生鱼粘液细胞数量更多。

    The difference of wild and cultivated yellowfin black porgy was that the numbers of mucous cells in the wild fish were more than the cultivated fish in the same part of digestive tract .