
  • 网络Han folk songs;han national folk songs
  1. 20世纪的汉族民歌研究(四)

    Research On the Han National Folk Songs in 20th Century (ⅳ)

  2. 山曲属汉族民歌山歌类,最具代表性。

    Folk song belongs to nation Han and is representative .

  3. 明清以来北京地区汉族民歌的传播及其艺术特征

    The Development and Artistic Characteristics of Folk Songs in Beijing District Since Ming-Qing Dynasties

  4. 关于汉族民歌体裁的分类问题

    On the Classification of the styles of the folk songs of the Han Nationality

  5. 按体裁分类,概述东北汉族民歌。

    Types of northeast han folk song .

  6. 本文用举例的方法介绍东北汉族民歌的各种体裁,并对一些比较具有代表性的作品给予简单的分析说明。

    This thesis introduces these types from examples and does brief analysis on some typical works .

  7. 简单介绍东北汉族民歌产生和发展的背景因素。

    Elaborate a general introduction on the background of the beginning and developing stages of northeast han folk song .

  8. 第一:内蒙古西部地区汉族民歌的音乐形态特征。

    First chapter ; the illustration of the essence of Han Folk Music of the Western Inner Mongolian Region .

  9. 东北汉族民歌不但本身是一种发展比较成熟,艺术造诣比较高的音乐形式,而且是其它东北汉族民间音乐形式发展的基础。

    Northeast han folk song is not only a music form of highly advance and great artistic attainment , but also the basic of other han folk musical forms developed in northeast .

  10. 蒙古族长调牧歌与内蒙古西部地区的爬山调,在部分形态特征和表现内容上的相似性,体现了蒙古族民歌与汉族民歌的融合及其交流。

    The similarity of the pastoral song to the mountain climbing song in the western part of Inner Mongolia shows the fusion and exchange of the Mongolian folk song and that of the Han .

  11. 第三章则对如何演绎湖南汉族民歌做了几点思考,指出在演唱时要重视对音乐本体的分析以及注意方言的运用。

    The third chapter thinks about how to interpret Folk Songs of the Han nationality in Hunan and pointed out that we should attach importance to the analysis of music ontology and the use of dialect .

  12. 从更广泛的视角对东北汉族民歌音乐特点进行研究,不但对中国传统文化具有意义,同时对自然现象、人文现象和社会现象的分析也同样具有不容忽视的意义。

    Analyzing the musical features of northeast han folk song from a more widespread point of view has great significance not only on the Chinese traditional culture but also on the analysis of phenomena about nature , humane and society .

  13. 本文是分湖南汉族民歌和湖南少数民族民歌两大部分来讨论其代表性的创作或改编的合唱作品(以下简称汉族合唱作品和少数民族合唱作品)。

    From the perspective of the folk songs of Han and the folk songs of minority nationality , this paper discuss the chorus works of created or adapted , ( hereafter called the chorus works of Han and the chorus works of minority ) .