
  • 网络Han family;Kitad ulus
汉家 [hàn jiā]
  • [Han Dynasty (206B.C-200A.C)] 即汉朝

  • 汉家山东二百州。-- 唐. 杜甫《兵车行》

  • 为汉家除残去秽。--《资治通鉴》

  1. “椅橱”在单身汉家中比较常见,堆满了穿过的和要穿的衣服。

    Chairdrobe is often seen in a bachelor 's home , filled with clothes that is already worn or to be worn . Example :

  2. 汉家衣冠&非文本的服饰图式变迁

    Dresses of the Han Nationality-Evolution of Non-text Dressing Schema

  3. 它们对激进的社会改革的拥护使其遭到了中国汉家上流学者阶层的孤立。

    Its advocacy of radical social reforms alienated the Han Chinese scholar-gentry class .

  4. 汉家公主纪念馆。

    Han Dynasty Princess Memorial Hall .

  5. 这两位汉家公主的事迹完全可以和昭君出塞媲美。

    The exploits of these two Western Han princesses are comparable with those of Wang Zhaojun .

  6. 年年战骨埋荒外,空见葡萄入汉家。

    Each year we bury in the desert bones unnumbered , Yet we only watch for grape-vines coming into China .

  7. 您没听说汉家华山以东两百州,百千村落长满了草木。

    You did not hear of Han Jiahua to the south of hill 200 cities , overgrow of 100 thousand dorp the wood .

  8. 在具有现代性思维的汉家学者的引导下,人们学习了西方的科学和语言,一些大城市开设了特殊的学校,军械库、工厂和船坞也参照西方的模型得到了建造。

    Under the direction of modern-thinking Han officials , Western science and languages were studied , special schools were opened in the larger cities , and arsenals , factories , and shipyards were established according to Western models .

  9. “感恩节那天,我们要去一个流浪汉之家帮忙。”

    " We are going to help out at a homeless shelter on Thanksgiving Day . "

  10. 字典汉译家翻译成:我们遭到了一阵粗暴的辱骂。

    We were subjected to a good deal of ill-mannered abuse .

  11. 瞧,我在教养院和流浪汉之家长大。

    Look , I grew up in foster homes and homeless shelters .

  12. 厄塔森先生回到他那单身汉的家里,心情烦躁。

    Mr Utterson came home to his bachelor house in sombre spirits .

  13. 还有一次当我在洛杉矶市中心的一个流浪汉之家安置了一个花园。

    There 's another time when I put a garden in this homeless shelter in downtown Los Angeles .

  14. 本文对古典爱国主义研究中向来未能应清并容易引起混乱的几个问题,诸如夷夏之辨与胡汉一家;

    Some problems which are easy to be confused and never studied thoroughly in the classical patriotism research are analyzed and compartmentalized over again .

  15. 您想,一个女人在夜间的那个时候到一个单身汉的家里明智吗?她问道。

    ' Do you think it would be sensible for a woman to go at that time of night into the house of an unmarried man ? 'she asked .

  16. 战国《诗》学传播中心的转移与汉四家《诗》的形成

    The Transfer of the Center of Diffusing The Book of Songs in the Warring States Period and The Formation of Four Schools of The Book of Songs in Han Dynasty

  17. 周老爹,流浪汉,家就在卡迪夫市威尼斯城的一间盥洗室里,就是这样一个小角色,和影视里扮演英雄的影星比起来,坚强,正派,勇敢。

    There was Old Man Joe , homeless guy , living in a bathroom in Venice , Calif. , somehow stronger more decent more heroic than the star who plays movie heroes .

  18. 在那些日子里,许多流浪汉来我们家。

    In those days , many hobos stopped at our corner .

  19. 小狗成为我们家一员约两年后,一天,有个流浪汉敲我们家后门,问我们能否给他点吃的。

    The little dog had been a part of our family for about two years when a hobo knocked at the back door and asked if we could give him something to eat .

  20. 流浪汉聚集在这家餐厅的后面找寻食物。

    Many vagabonds gathered at the back of this restaurant to find food .