
chuò yuē
  • graceful;charming
绰约 [chuò yuē]
  • [charming;graceful] 女子体态柔美的样子

  • 楼阁玲珑五云起,其中绰约多仙子。--白居易《长恨歌》

  • 容颜多绰约

  • [graceful] 同绰约

绰约[chuò yuē]
  1. 百合(LiLiumspp.)在我国栽培历史悠久,种质资源丰富,百合花姿绰约,色彩斑斓,花型丰富,喻意美好,是世界著名五大鲜切花之一,拥有球根花卉之王的美誉。

    Lily ( Lilium spp. ) cultivation in China has a long history , rich germplasm resources , Lily appearance graceful , colorful , rich flower types , metaphor meaning beautiful , is the five world famous delicacy cuts one of flowers , with " Bullbar flower king " reputation .

  2. 白领丽人,配上这种小巧的皮包,则更显出绰约风采。

    White-collar ladies will show their charming and graceful bearing with an exquisite little handbag of this kind .

  3. 楼阁玲珑五云起,其中绰约多仙子。

    Delicate pavilions were standing on the five-coloured clouds .

  4. 正如这位姿容绰约的女士

    Just like the beautiful young woman

  5. 一个把你的绰约的倩影显示,另一个却是你的慷慨的写照;

    The one doth shadow of your beauty show , The other as your bounty doth appear ;

  6. 规整绰约的室内空间设计,使影音室富于想象的空间与神秘的气质;

    Standardized and graceful interior space design makes movie and music room full of imaginary space and mystic temperament ;

  7. 她长得稍高一点儿,身材不如她姐姐那样标准,但却更绰约动人。

    Her form , though not so correct as her sister 's in having the advantage of height , was more striking .

  8. 峡中云雾轻巧舒卷,飘零旋绕,幻化莫测,为它们平添了几分绰约的风韵;

    Xia Shujuan light in the clouds , the wind around lively , unpredictable , as they are added to a fraction of the graceful charm ;

  9. 在自然的和谐归属感中,人找到惬意诗居的闲适与舒松的绰约生活感受。

    In natural and harmonious sense of belonging , human can find leisurely , contented , relieved , relaxed , and graceful life feelings in poetic residence .

  10. 为了一睹它满绽后的绰约丰姿,我曾心焦如焚地等待过。而此刻遥遥瞻望如此绝代风华,我却不禁心慑神移、不知所措了。

    I had been waiting impatiently for this ultimate apparition of fully developed beauty , but now that it was actually here I was at a loss how to deal with it , overwhelmed by such perfection .