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chánɡ duàn
  • be heartbroken
肠断 [cháng duàn]
  • [very grieved] 喻非常悲痛

  1. 勇敢是甜呵,&腼腆令肠断。

    Sweet is boldness , & shyness pain .

  2. 勇敢而腼腆,回头又勇敢--勇敢是甜呵,--腼腆令肠断。

    Bold and shy , and bold again - Sweet is boldness , - shyness pain .

  3. 要是贝特伦小姐不愿意肠断心碎,就别让她和亨利见面。

    If your miss Bertram doesn 't like to break her heart , let her avoid henry .

  4. 要是伯特伦家的两位小姐不愿意肠断心碎,就让她们躲开亨利。

    If your Miss Bertrams do not like to have their hearts broke , let them avoid Henry .

  5. 爱情残忍爱情甜,——残忍而又甜,情人肠断到相见,

    Love is cruel , love is sweet , - Cruel sweet , Lovers sigh till lovers meet ,

  6. 笙歌散尽,千里催,相顾无言泪已干,料得年年肠断处,不寻常。

    Song of the Flute cleared , thousands of miles urging , the same care for silent tears have dried material was heartbroken Department every year , unusual .

  7. 今天,只剩下我独自一人,伤心肠断,意气消沉的时候,春天又来了,我不知道怎样把它从门口赶开。

    Now when I am left alone and heart-sick the spring day comes once again , but I know not how to turn him away from the door .