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  1. 5-HT样纤维或终末在三叉神经脊束核、孤束核、面神经核、三叉神经运动核以及网状结构外侧部比较密集,而黑南内则很稀少。

    Fibers and terminals were very dense in the spinal trigeminal nucleus , nucleus of solitary tract , facial nucleus , motor nucleus of 5th nerve , lateral part of reticular formation , and , however , only occasionally , in the substantia nigra .

  2. 他的MDR有限公司经营在南半球内提炼和加工石油、煤炭和其它燃料资源的生意。

    His company , MDR Limited , is an Aspatrian corporation engaged in the business of extracting and processing oil , coal , and other fuel sources throughout the Southern Hemisphere .

  3. 鲁中南盆地内的地貌受次级断裂构造的严格控制。

    The landforms in the basins of southern centre of Shandong Province are controlled strictly by the secondary faults .

  4. 应用遥感技术对吉林省南部内生金属矿产分布规律的探讨

    A preliminary study on the distributional regularity of endogenic metallic ore by using remote sensing in Southern Jilin Province

  5. 江苏南部内生金属矿产资源丰富、品种较为齐全、区域分布特点明显。

    The endogenetic metallic ore deposits in South Jiangsu are characteristic of rich reserve , complete ore types and evident regional distribution .

  6. 同时,他还与南范围内前副总统通了电话,南苏丹政府指控前副总统试图发动政变。

    He also spoke by phone with former vice president who is accused by the government of having tried to carry out a coup .

  7. 以单井相、连井相精细剖析为前提,综合物源分析、构造背景等资料,在孤南洼陷内识别出3种沉积体系:三角洲体系、水下扇体系和湖泊体系。

    Based on detailed single well facies analyses and the across-well analyses , according to provenance analyses and the structural setting , the paper recognized 3 types of sedimentary systems , including delta system , subaqueous fan system and lacustrine system .

  8. 卡芦莫南的手性内盐的合成研究

    The Research on the Synthesis of Chiral Zwitterion of the Carumonam

  9. 对在河北南网区内实施电力需求侧管理的方案进行了研究。

    And then the applying DSM for southern Hebei power network is studied .

  10. 大多数向前进的记者盖住在南的伊朗内的军用调遣的伊朗收音机和电视。

    Most were Iranian radio and television journalists heading to cover military maneuvers in southern Iran .

  11. 从位于美国南加州大学内的美国交叉连接控制和水力研究基金会测试实验室文件中编制。

    As compiled from documented Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California lab tests .

  12. 通过位于美国南加州大学内的美国交叉连接管理和水研究基金会和手册第10节的认证。

    Approved by the foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California , Manual Section 10 .

  13. 浙江温州喜得乐塑料制品厂,位于温州市瓯海仙岩仙南工业区内,创建于1990年。

    Wenzhou Xidele Plastic Products factory was founded in1990 and is located in Xiannan Industrial Zone , Xianyan , Ouhai , Wenzhou .

  14. 除鸟类外,南生围内亦有不同种类的植物及生物,如赤桉树、芦苇、红头潜鸭、青头潜鸭及招潮蟹等等。

    In addition to bird , the Nam Sang Wai also different types of plants and organisms such as red eucalyptus , reed , red head diving duck , blue duck and fiddler crabs , and so the first potential .

  15. 研究区位于华北聚煤凹陷河东煤田南部,区内构造变形微弱,基本构造形态为走向NE-NNE、倾向NW的单斜构造,地层倾角一般为3-8°。

    The study area is located in south Hedong coalfield in north China accumulation coal depression , a weak local structural deformation , the basic structural form for the trend NE-NNE , tend to NW monocline structure , formation dip generally 3 ~ 8 ° .

  16. 她说,可能还会出现第三个流传高峰期,南半球数月内将再次迎来流感季节,届时可能会再次经历一次流传高峰。

    Chan said , noting that the southern hemisphere could experience another one when its flu season returns in a few months .

  17. 台风已造成13人死亡,将近2万间房屋被毁,这也是中国南部40年内遭受到的最大台风。

    Causing 13 fatalities and leaving nearly 20000 homes in ruins , the cyclone is the strongest to hit south China in four decades .

  18. 唐代前期是北衙军力的初步形成阶段,北衙是在南衙的母体内孕育和发展起来的。

    The imperial forces at the Beiya , which took an initial shape in the Pre Tang times , were generated and developed inside those at the Nanya .

  19. 根据新泽西州警方的初步调查结果,当司机失去对车辆的控制时,纳什夫妇正在门罗镇附近南行的出租车内。

    According to preliminary findings by the New Jersey State Police , the Nashes were in a taxicab traveling southbound near Monroe when their driver lost control of the vehicle .

  20. 安康市位于陕西南部,区内农业资源优势明显,但社会生产力水平低下,自然条件较差。

    AnKang city lies in the south of Shaanxi Province , its agricultural resource advantage is obvious in the district , but its social productivity level is low , natural conditions are relatively bad .

  21. 结果表明,6月至日时,磁层扰动自极光区向中低纬的穿透情况在南、北半球内基本接近,北半球内略强;

    The results show that on the June-solstice the penetration of magnetospheric disturbances from the auroral zone to mid-and low-latitude areas is similar between the southern and northern hemispheres , but is a bit little stronger in the northern one .

  22. 晋南地区位于山西省南部,区内广泛分布有黄土堆积层,发育湿陷性黄土,并以第四系上更新统黄土为主。

    South Shanxi Province area is located in the southern region of Shanxi province , where is widely distributed with the loess layer and the geological harzards of collapsible loess simultaneously . Collapsible loess is made primarily of the Quaternary Pleistocene series loess .

  23. 右行走滑冲断构造形成于南祁连由北向南的斜向推覆作用,而主要应力来源于柴达木地块北缘由南向北的陆内俯冲作用。

    The formation of the right-lateral oblique thrust belts were controlled by the N-S oblique thrusting of South Qilian Orogeny and the main terrestrial stress came from the S-N intracontinental subduction of the north margin of Qaidam massive .