
According to the in vitro screening experiment , Lactobacillus plantarum WZ47-1 was selected to study its regulation function of immunity and intestral microflora of mice .
And taking the mice off the drug restored their original intestinal balance and behavior .
Studies on the Cultivation and Kinetic Models of Fermentation by Clostridium Butyricum and Modulating Effect on Gastrointestinal Microflora in Antibiotic-associated Diarrheic Mice
In addition , bacillus spp. can regulate the balance of intestinal flora , enhance animal immunity , improve the growth performance and reduce the emission of ammonia excretion .
It can promote the growth of probiotics ( such as Lactobacillus ) 20 times than group A and reduce pathogenetic microorganism ( as E.coli . ) over 10 times .
Lactobacillus acidophilus is common probiotics that can be used to adjust the balance of the intestinal bacteria group of the body and it is very beneficial for human health .
Lactobacilli are dominant inhabitants of humans and animals . They can maintain a balanced intestinal flora , improve immunity and promote the absorption of the nutrients .