
chuò hào
  • nickname;epithet;sobriquet
绰号 [chuò hào]
  • [nickname] 外号;诨号

绰号[chuò hào]
  1. 家人为他起的广东话绰号意思是NeverSitsStill(从来坐不住)。

    His family 's Cantonese nickname for him translates as Never Sits Still .

  2. “红毛”的绰号源于他的红头发。

    Red got his nickname for his red hair .

  3. 他的员工给他起了个“咕哝虫”的绰号。

    From his staff he earned the sobriquet ' Mumbles ' .

  4. 当他大一点时,我给他起了个“小阿尔夫”的绰号。

    When he got older I nicknamed him Little Alf

  5. 安德鲁听到雷切尔给婴儿起的绰号时,不禁高兴得大笑起来。

    Andrew roared with delight when he heard Rachel 's nickname for the baby

  6. 你为什么给她取这样一个绰号?

    Why do you fasten such a nickname on her ?

  7. 他的绰号叫小老虎。

    He is nicknamed 〝 young tiger 〞 .

  8. 许多维京人还有绰号。

    Many Viking men also had nicknames .

  9. 农村的父母更愿意给孩子起狗剩、狗蛋之类的绰号,希望他们像狗一样好养活。

    Parents in the countryside prefer to give nicknames including Gou Sheng and Gou Dan to their kids in the hope that they are as easy to be raised as dogs .

  10. 他被起了个“花花公子”的绰号。

    He has been given the label of " playboy " .

  11. 红毛”的绰号源于他的红头发。

    Red got his cognomen for his red hair . “

  12. 安德鲁?杰克生以其绰号“老山胡桃”而知名。

    Andrew Jackson was known by the sobriquet " Old Hickory . "

  13. 其他的孩子用绰号取笑他

    The other children taunted him with nicknames .

  14. 在巴黎,他被冠以“超自由主义者”的绰号。

    In Paris he was rewarded with the sobriquet of an " ultra-liberal " .

  15. 这只獾现在的绰号是伯蒂,在过去两周内,它已经造访了六次以上。

    Now nicknamed Bertie , he 's visited more than half a dozen times in the last fortnight .

  16. 在残疾人游泳项目中,绰号“飞鱼”的蒋裕燕值得关注。16岁的她首次出征残奥会,是中国队最年轻的选手。

    A key one to watch in Para swimming is Jiang Yuyan , nicknamed the ' flying fish ' , who in making her debut at 16 is the youngest of China 's team .

  17. 4.World'sBiggestUrbanPlayground全球最大的城市运动场纽约之所以会有这个绰号是因为在30年代的时候那些移民来的小孩在纽约的各个街头打曲棍球。

    NYC was named this because immigrant children played stickball throughout the New York Streets in the 1930s .

  18. 1.n.绰号他们给他起了个绰号叫“高个儿”,因为他身材很高。

    nickname They nicknamed him " Lofty " because he was so tall .

  19. 身高6英尺10英寸(2米08)的大个子凭借篮板能力获得“ChairmanoftheBoards”绰号。

    The 6-foot-10-inch big man earned the moniker " Chairman of the Boards " for his rebounding prowess .

  20. 克拉克称之为“粉色宫殿”(thepinkpalace),她给她所有的投资项目都起了绰号。

    Clarke , who gives all of her investments nicknames , calls it " the pink Palace " .

  21. 最近一起绰号为“Wi-Fi门”的丑闻表明了这个问题的存在。

    A recent scandal dubbed " Wi-Figate " exemplifies the problem .

  22. 绰号航母Style,网友认为它酷、强大和自信,以及有趣和滑稽,网友上传了在不同场合使用这个姿势的图片。

    Nicknamed Carrier Style , it has been deemed cool , powerful and confident as well as amusing and comical by netizens who uploaded pictures showing various situation using this gesture .

  23. 马云本人则用一个玩笑,对绰号“逍遥子”的张勇表示了欢迎。那个玩笑关于这位新任CEO的财务背景。

    For his part , Mr. Ma welcomed the new chief executive with a joke about Mr. Zhang 's financial and accounting background .

  24. 今年,绰号“巨石强森”的德韦恩·约翰逊(DwayneJohnson)凭借更加努力的工作,击败了唐尼。

    Dwayne " The Rock " Johnson beat him this year by working more .

  25. 绰号“航母Style”,网友认为它“酷、强大和自信,以及有趣和滑稽”,网友上传了在不同场合使用这个姿势的图片。

    Nicknamed " Carrier Style , " it has been deemed " cool , powerful and confident as well as amusing and comical " by netizens who uploaded pictures showing various situation using this gesture .

  26. n.绰号;昵称vt.给……取绰号他很肥,因此他得到了“胖子”绰号。

    nickname He got the nickname " fatty " because he was very fat .

  27. 作为娱乐活动,他曾去一家名为TheFreezer的夜店,还有另外一家绰号为Nightmare的高人气的迪斯科舞厅。

    For fun he used to go to a nightclub called The Freezer , while another popular disco was nicknamed Nightmare .

  28. 汉森在其新著《远程办公革命》(Remote:OfficeNotRequired)中援引了“蓝色巨人”(BigBlue,IBM公司的绰号)发布的一份白皮书。这份白皮书预测称,远程办公已经为该公司节省了超过1亿美元的房地产成本。

    In a new book , Remote : Office Not Required , Hansson cites a white paper from Big Blue that estimates telecommuting has saved the company more than $ 100 million in real estate costs .

  29. 一个绰号叫CJ的人以前跟博伊斯很熟,也曾经在那些篮球场上打过球。

    One fellow , who goes by CJ , played on those courts and knew Boyce well .

  30. 他非正式的风格延伸到自己在电邮中的署名,一个伯父似的绰号:“帕奇”(patchy)。

    His informality extends to signing himself off in e-mails with the avuncular nickname ' ' patchy ' ' .