
  • 网络Hanning;Harming;Hann;Juho H nninen
  1. 检测精度与加矩形窗和汉宁窗的FFT算法进行比较。

    Compare the FFT algorithms with rectangular window and hanning window .

  2. 轧辊偏心分析和补偿汉宁窗采样的FFT比值算法

    FFT Algorithm Sampled With Hanning-Window for Roll Eccentricity Analysis and Compensation

  3. 在FFT频谱分析中,选择采用同步采样和汉宁窗函数修正方法,以消除频谱分析中栅栏效应和频谱泄露对测量的影响。

    In the FFT spectrum analysis , synchronous sampling and hanning window function theory are adopted to eliminate the picket fence effect and spectral leakage in the spectral analysis .

  4. 论文详细介绍了在NIOSIIIDE集成开发环境下,采用SPI模式开发SD卡读写功能;以及通过蝶形运算和汉宁窗处理,实现频谱分析功能的流程。

    The paper introduced in detail in the Nios II integrated development environment IDE , using the SPI mode development SD card read write function ; and the butterfly operation and the Hanning window treatment , achieve the function of spectrum analysis process .

  5. 比较了窗函数对DFT精度影响,指出全景分析时采用汉宁窗,而局部分析时采用矩形窗。

    An investigation concerning the frequency resolution and the influence of window functions on the DFT spectrum are also made , and it is pointed out that the Hanning window is suitable for a whole view spectral analysis , while the rectangular window for the local spectral analysis .

  6. 彼得。汉宁在津巴布韦东南部参与野生动物管理许多年了。

    Peter Henning has been involved in wildlife management in southeastern Zimbabwe for many years .

  7. 汉宁表示,让企业资金上负担不起的收购寥寥无几。

    Mr Hanning says there are very few acquisitions that companies cannot afford to finance .

  8. 汉宁说,津巴布韦几个保护区内发生了大规模杀害野生动物的情况。

    Henning said there was massive destruction of Zimbabwe 's wildlife taking place in several protected areas .

  9. 汉宁说,许多动物遭盗猎,盗猎者用铁丝陷阱来杀长颈鹿和鹿。

    Henning said many animals were being poached , with wire traps being used to kill giraffe and deer .

  10. 发现三角窗对幅值修正效果较好,汉宁窗对频率修正效果较好。

    Amplitude modification using triangle window function is the best and frequency modification using hanning window function is the best .

  11. 汉宁发现,凡是英语熟练程度低的学生多在声音相似的单词中会弄错;

    Henning found that students with a lower proficiency in English make more of their mistakes on words that sound alike ;

  12. 成功地实现了汉宁窗、高斯窗调制的任意频率单音频信号的产生,达到了任意波形发生器的功能。

    The real arbitrary waveform generator that can generate single acoustic frequency signal modulated by Manning window and Gaussian window is developed .

  13. 通过引入吊杆长度修正系数和采用汉宁窗分析处理测试信号,使频率法测试吊杆索力的精度有了进一步的提高。

    Boom length of the correction factor is introduced and the use of Hanning window processing test signals , so that power frequency testing the accuracy of Hanger has been further improved .

  14. 针对谐波检测中不可避免的频谱泄漏现象,文章通过比较各种常用窗函数,决定选用汉宁窗来减小频谱泄漏,实验表明使用汉宁窗起到了很好的抑制效果。

    Harmonic detection for the inevitable phenomenon of spectral leakage , the article by comparing a variety of commonly used window function , decided to use Hanning window to reduce spectral leakage , and experiments show that the use of Hanning window has played a very good effect .