
  1. 安徽望江县出土三面汉代铜镜

    Bronze Mirrors of the Han Period from Wangjiang County , Anhui

  2. 从总体上对汉代铜镜,作了一个比较全面、系统的论述。

    In general , it makes a comprehensive and systemic dissertation comparatively .

  3. 从汉代铜镜纹饰看圆规在制图中的应用

    Application of Compass in Drawing With Evidence from Motifs on Han Bronze Mirror

  4. 从高处俯瞰,上海博物馆的玻璃圆顶犹如一面硕大的汉代铜镜。

    When viewed from above , the circular top with a glass dome in the center looks like a huge bronze mirror of the Han Dynasty .

  5. 通过大量的考古学、文献及图片资料,以汉镜纹饰为切入点,透视出汉代铜镜的文化内涵。

    According to large numbers of archaeological literature and picture information , the article shows the cultural meaning of Han Mirror by the beginning of veins .

  6. 通过对文献资料的查阅以及与汉代铜镜铭文的比对研究,可以得出丙午并非实际年号,是作为一种虚拟之辞来表达吉祥的套语。

    Through the literature of the Han bronze Mirrors with inscriptions access and comparative studies can be drawn " Heigo " not the actual reign , as the words to express a virtual set of auspicious words .

  7. 汉代江南铜镜文化

    The Jiangnan Culture of the Han Dynasty Shown by the Bronze Mirrors

  8. 《考古》、《文物》、《考古学报》三大杂志和《湖南出土铜镜图录》、《浙江出土铜镜》等书刊上有较多汉代江南的铜镜资料。

    There is much information about the branch mirror in " Archaeology "," Cultural Relic "," Journal of Archaeology ", the journalists on archeology , etc.