
  1. 大遗址保护的PRED协调发展案例与模式&基于汉长安城的实证与思考

    PRED coordination development of chang ' an City relics of Han Dynasty

  2. 汉长安城保护与利用发展战略研究

    Strategic Study on the protecting and utilization of Han Chang'an City

  3. 汉长安城的市场布局与管理

    Layout and Administration of Market in the Town of Chang'an in the Han Dynasty

  4. 汉长安城遗址保护中的农业景观演化引导模式研究

    The Research of the Agricultural Landscape Evolution in the Protection of Han Chang'an City Site

  5. 大遗址的文化价值、经济价值分异探讨&汉长安城案例

    The Analysis of Cultural Valuation and Economic Valuation in the Han Chang'an City with Heritage Tourism

  6. 本文研究的汉长安城遗址属于国家级文物保护单位并且考古保护研究工作一直在进行中。

    The Han Chang'An relic is the national conservative heritage unit and still under the archeological research .

  7. 汉长安城位于今天西安市的西北,是西汉时期全国的政治、经济、文化、军事中心。

    Chang'an-city was the center of politics , economy , cultural and military in the Han Dynasty .

  8. 力图为汉长安城直城门遗址环境的保护提供一个基础性质的研究。

    Overall , try to provide the site of Zhi Gate with a basic research on protection of the environment properties .

  9. 大遗址保护中聚落搬迁研究&以汉长安城为例

    An Study of Villages Movement in Preservation of Large Historic Cites & On the Case of Han Chang ' an City

  10. 大遗址特性与保护利用模式探讨&以汉长安城遗址为例

    Discussion of characteristics of large site and its protection and utilization mod & with Han chang ' an city site as example

  11. 汉长安城直城门是丝绸之路所经过的第一个城门,是丝绸之路的起点。

    And Zhi Gate of Han Chang ' an City was the first gate that Silk Road going through after its starting point .

  12. 汉长安城是我国古代第一个建制布局完整的都城,是当时世界上规模最大的都市。

    Han Chang ' an City is the first ancient capital city , which layout is integrity . And it was also the biggest city in the world at that time .

  13. 汉长安城市场的布局与管理制度既有对先秦时期的承袭,同时又有因时因地的发展和创新。

    The layout and administration system of market in the Town of Chang'an in the Han Dynasty resulted from succession of the pre-Qin system and relevant development and innovation in account of time and place .