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  1. 简论学术论文的写作我国古代社会风貌的化石&谈汉字的表意特征

    A Brief Discussion About the Writing of Scientific Papers Study on Language Characteristics of Scientific Papers

  2. 汉字的表意性使得文字与社会文化有紧密联系。

    On account of the meaning of Chinese characters , scripts get in touch with social culture .

  3. 汉字是表意文字,而且汉语的写作能力和阅读能力都以汉字为基础。

    Chinese characters are ideographic ' character , both writing and reading skills are based on Chinese characters .

  4. 汉字是表意文字,具有以形表义的特点。

    Chinese characters are a form of ideogram , having the characteristics of using figure to express meaning .

  5. 汉字是表意体系的的文字,反映了造字时代丰富的文化内涵。

    The Chinese character is a form of idea system of writing , which reflects the era of the rich cultural connotations .

  6. 汉字属于表意文字,通过解析字的形和音,可以了解到它的最初本义,即词源义,这里面蕴藏着丰富的文化信息。

    The etymological meanings on animal names or reasons of animal names in these three languages can be explored by the connections between their phonetics and their semantics .

  7. 汉字属于表意系统的文字,而象形字又是汉字建构的基础,所以在对外汉字教学中我们不应忽视象形字的教学。

    Chinese characters belong to the ideographic writing system , and pictographic characters are the foundation of Chinese character , so we should not ignore the teaching of them in foreign Chinese character teaching .

  8. 并试析了汉字标志表意、象形的优势与拉丁文字标志表音、国际化、简洁的优势。最后,就视觉传达领域,探讨了文字在包装设计、网页设计、广告设计不同媒介的应用。

    And analyze how the Chinese character symbol expression ; resemble the superiority and the Latin word mark table , internationalization , concise advantages . Finally , the field of visual communication discusses the text in the packaging design , web design , advertising design the application of different media .

  9. 网络词语分为四类:汉字新词、表意数字、字母缩写以及情意符号。

    The network vocabulary can be divided into four types : " new Chinese expressions ", " numeral code ", " initial words " and " emotional signs " .

  10. 与世界上其他语言文字不同,汉字是以表意为主,音、形、义与一体的视觉符号,它有着独特的构造方式和迷人的魅力。

    Distinguished with the other characters in the world , the Chinese characters give priority to ideographic , and formed the combination of sound , form and meaning , with the integration of visual symbols ; it has special structural styles and outstanding charming .

  11. 最后得出形声字发展史有以下特点:构形方式反复争夺性、声符形符的替换频繁、结构布局的不稳定性、结构层次复杂化、形声化是汉字顽强坚持表意性的表现。

    The conclusion that shaped the history of sound words have the following characteristics : of the formation of retaking , Sound symbol pictogram frequent replacement , structural instability of the layout , structure , complexity level , form tenaciously adhere to sound is the ideographic character of the performance .

  12. 汉字是特殊的表意文字,字形是它的主要特点。

    Chinese-Characters is a unique ideograph , and the style of characters is its main characteristic .

  13. 汉字是以象形表意为基本特征的文字,以其意象结构直接体现着民族文化的内涵,与民族思维方式和文化精神融为一体,是汉民族思维和交际最重要的书面符号系统。

    Chinese character look pictographic and ideograph as its basic feature , directly embody all intensions of national culture with its imagery structure , melt with national thought way and cultural spirit for one body , is the most important written symbol system to Chinese national thought and social .

  14. 由其发展而来的汉字图形正是劳动人民充分利用了汉字的造型结构,发挥了汉字的表意特征,创造出的一系列形神兼备、构思巧妙的图形艺术。

    Chinese characters evolved by working people make full use of graphics is modeling the structure of Chinese characters has played an ideographic characteristics of Chinese characters to create a series of Vivid , ingenious graphic arts .

  15. 象形字是汉字发展史上最早产生的一批汉字,也曾是最能体现汉字表意性质的一种汉字类型,在整个汉字体系的建立中起着不可替代的作用。

    Pictograph inscribed on the earliest history of the development produced a text , also is a character type of the best embodiment on Chinese meaning expression nature , and plays an irreplaceable role in the establishment of the Chinese system .

  16. 在现代汉字设计中以色彩为切入点和立足点,来重新观察和阐释汉字的表象与表意功能,以此开发色彩在汉字设计中的表现可能性。

    Based on color as the foundation and commencing point , it can review and expatiate the functions of ideographic and hieroglyphic , to develop color 's performance in Chinese character .

  17. 在汉字形体结构研究中,汉字构件功能研究无论是就其符号独特体系,还是汉字构件在表意和识认中的独特功用,都具有十分重要的意义。

    In the study of the form and structure of Chinese characters , it is of great significance to study the structural components , including their unique symbol system or their unique function of expressing and recognition .