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  1. 这些国家果真象骨牌效应一样在印度支那倒下了(孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

    The dominos did indeed fall in Indochina ( Arthur M. Schlesinger , Jr. )

  2. 由他设计的印度支那大学(UniversityofIndochina)大楼,屋顶边缘镶嵌的是亚洲元素的图案,有的部分像佛塔一样层层叠叠。

    The roof of his University of Indochina building is edged with Asian-inspired patterns ; part of it is tiered like a pagoda .

  3. AaronJoelSantosforTheWallStreetJournalMoniqbyM品牌服装为了在他们所称的印度支那感觉像自家一样,法国殖民者从欧洲舶来了从家具到珠宝的所有东西。

    Intent on feeling at home in Indochina , as they called it , French colonists imported everything from furniture to jewelry from Europe .

  4. 她和安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)一起在印度支那(Indochine,纽约著名餐厅——译注)用餐,在54号工作室(Studio54,纽约一俱乐部——译注)和薄荷舞厅(PeppermintLounge)寻欢到深夜。

    She hung out with Andy Warhol at Indochine and spent late nights at Studio 54 and the Peppermint Lounge .

  5. 法属印度支那税收体制特征剖析

    Analysis on the Colonialism of Taxation System in French Indochina

  6. 论法国在印度支那殖民统治体制的基本特征及其影响

    The Characteristics and Influence of French Colonial Regime in Indochina

  7. 第二次世界大战以后,越南经历了两次印度支那战争。

    After World War ⅱ, Vietnam experienced two Indo-Chinese wars .

  8. 1887年,法国殖民者建立了印度支那联邦。

    French colonialists established the Federation of Indochina in1887 .

  9. 论法国对印度支那殖民政策(1887-1940年)

    On French Colonial Policies towards Indochina ( 1887-1940 )

  10. 它把印度支那还原到它应有的尺度&一个大陆上的一个不大的半岛。

    It reduced Indochina to its proper scale-a small peninsula on a major continent .

  11. “支那”一词在古印度语中是赞美中国的一种称谓。

    The word " china " in ancient India was used to eulogize China .

  12. 清季支那史、东洋史教科书介译初探

    An Exploration into the Translation of History Textbooks of China and Asia from Japan

  13. 果蔗芽段和芽片育苗移栽新技术味蕾里的印度支那

    New Techniques for Raising Seedlings from Bud Section and Bud Slice of Fruit Sugarcane

  14. 1952年,印度支那,东京,战争中死去的法军士兵墓。

    INDOCHINA . Tonkin . The tomb of a French soldier killed during the war .

  15. 一名中国男子因杀死并吃掉一只稀有的印度支那虎而被判处12年有期徒刑。

    Chinese man has been jailed for12 years for killing and eating a rare Indochinese tiger .

  16. 1954年的今天,第一次印度支那战争:日内瓦会议决定将越南分为北越和南越两部分。

    1954-First Indochina War : The Geneva Conference partitions Vietnam into North Vietnam and South Vietnam .

  17. 支那史、东洋史教科书在中国近代教育史、史学史上应有一定的地位

    The history textbooks of China and Asia have certain positions in modern Chinese education history and historiography

  18. 《支那语军用会话》研究&日本侵华军用中国语教科书铁证

    Study on Textbook for Military Conversation in Shina & An Ironclad Proof of the Invasion of China by Japan

  19. 冷战爆发后,杜鲁门政府视印度支那为其全球战略的一部分。

    With the Cold War breaking out , the Truman administration took Vietnam as a part of its global strategy .

  20. 温馨提示:有了眼袋、乌眼圈如何办?马应龙八宝眼霜睹告您,回支那类圆。

    Reminder : the eye bag , black eye how to do ? Ma Yinglong Babao eye tell you this .

  21. 部长说减少英军在印度支那的空中作战计划是有坚实基础的,并在进展中。

    The secretary said that the programme to phase down British air operations in Indo China is solidly based and progressing .

  22. 从20世纪70年代初期日本印度支那政策的转变看日本外交的特征以日本越南建交为例

    The Transition of Japanese Policy toward Indochina in the Early 1970s : The Process of Normalization of Relations with North Vietnam

  23. 法国殖民了交趾支那,也就是后来的越南,并在1864年使柬埔寨成为了受保护国。

    France colonized Cochin China , as southern Vietnam was then called , and by 1864 established a protectorate over Cambodia .

  24. 当年7月,美国政府为应对日本入侵法属印度支那,宣布对日本实施石油禁运。

    In July that year , Washington had imposed an oil embargo on Japan in response to its invasion of French Indochina .

  25. 战后初期,美国在战时为印度支那所设计的非殖民化之路逐渐被现实政治所吞没。

    In the early postwar period the decolonization that the US has previously designed for Indochina is engulfed by the realistic politics .

  26. 正是几年前,农民们一起把沉重机械化的军队赶出了印度支那。

    People who just a few years previously were rice farmers got together and ran the heavily-mechanized French army out of Indochina .

  27. 1866-1868年间,法国一探险队进入中国和印度支那进行气象观测,并留有中译本《考验气候日记表》。

    Since 1866-1868 , a France team of explorers went into China and Indochina for meteorological observation , and had inspected diary .

  28. 本文试图探求艾森豪威尔时期美国政府对整个印度支那地区的政策发展。

    The dissertation tries to investigate the development of American government 's foreign policy toward the whole regions of Indochina in Eisenhower period .

  29. 法国军事基地被越南军队包围56天后陷落;1954年在印度支那结束法国的附属地位。

    The French military base fell after a 56-day siege by Vietnam troops ; ended the involvement of France in Indochina in 1954 .

  30. 印度支那资本公司的执行总裁赖德说,随着越南资本市场的发展,越南目前还处在一个学习阶段。

    Peter Ryder , chief executive office of Indochina Capital , says Vietnam is still in a learning phase as its capital markets develop .