
  • 网络neutral-tone words
  1. 习惯轻声词是一个原型范畴。

    Habitual neutral-tone words is a prototype category .

  2. 双音节轻声词一般分为有规律轻声词和习惯轻声词两大类。

    Disyllable neutral-tone words usually be divided into two groups : regular neutral-tone words and habitual neutral-tone words .

  3. 二语教学中的附加后缀双音节轻声词

    The suffix Bisyllable neutral-tone Words in Second Language Acquistion

  4. 词语前后音节的声调组合对于普通话双音节非轻声词的轻重格式起着重要的作用。

    The tone combination is vital to the stress patterns of non-neutral disyllable words in Mandarin .

  5. 我们主要介绍了论文选题的目的和意义,现代汉语轻声词的研究现状。

    It introduces the purpose and meaning of the thesis , the current situation of the research on modern light tone Chinese characters .

  6. 在第四部分,作者对内部语法结构不同的双音节非轻声词进行了感知实验,以进一步证明前面的分析结果。

    In chapter four the author carries out a perception experiment on the disyllabic words of different grammatical structures to further prove his analytic results .

  7. 普通话双音节非轻声词的轻重格式属于韵律音系学研究的范畴,不属于词汇音系学研究的内容。

    It is suggested that : ( 1 ) The study on stress patterns of non-neutral disyllable words in Mandarin belongs to the field of prosodic phonology rather than that of lexicological phonology .

  8. 通过对现代汉语轻声词的研究现状的考察,我们发现在现代汉语轻声词的研究上存在着可以有所突破的方面,同时绪论部分还介绍了本文的研究理论、方法及语料来源。

    By working on this investigation , we have found that there are still some breakthroughs we can make in this research . This part also includes the theories and methods of the research , and the sources of language materials .