首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 群体至上的价值取向,忽视个人、压抑个性;重义轻利的价值观念,谴责和限制对利益的追求;重德轻才的人才评定标准,鄙视实用技术和理性思辨。

    The supreme orientation of group value ignores the individual and suppresses personality ; the idea of valuing loyalty over money criticizes and restricts the pursuit of benefits ; valuing morality over talent evaluation standards despises practical technology and speculative reason .

  2. 善用世间财利益人群,获得轻安自在,才是真正属于自己。

    True wealth is the peace of mind attained from applying one 's wealth to benefit humankind .

  3. 当一个人将生死至之度外,看得很轻时,他才有心去欣赏他所拥有的美好。

    When a person think survive or die which is not very important , he have time to appreciate what he has .