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  1. 中国古时候宋朝有一个很幽默的人,他叫孙山。

    In the Song Dynasty there was a joker called Sun Shan .

  2. 有一年,他去参加科举考试。发榜之后,孙山榜上有名,但是排在最后一位。

    One year he went to take the imperial examination and came last on the list of successful candidates .

  3. 孙山回到家乡后,一位同乡向他打听自己的儿子考上没有。

    Back in his hometown , one of his neighbors asked him whether the neighbor 's son had also passed .

  4. 他这首诗全部的意思是说:“举人榜上的最后一名是我孙山,而令郎的名字却还在我孙山的后面。”

    The meaning of his poem is : " Sun Shan is the last on the successful candidates list , but your son falls behind Sun Shan . "

  5. 新疆乌孙山地区1号金矿是在对化探综合异常的查证过程中发现的。是伊什基里克山金、铜成矿带内发现的新类型金矿床。

    The No.1 gold deposit , a new type gold deposit in Yishijike mountain Au Cu metallogenic belt in Wusun Mountain area , is discovered by checking geochemical prospecting anomaly .