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  1. 酒到咸亨方知妙,老酒一壶乐悠悠。

    Sip the best wine and have a wonderful day .

  2. 《咸亨酒店》游览绍兴,也许就是一次鲁迅文化的怀旧之旅。

    Xianheng wine shop Touring Shaoxing , you would recall Luxun , the famous Chinese writer , now and then .

  3. 油炸臭豆腐也是当地一大特色,市内大街小巷到处都有臭豆腐摊,咸亨酒店外也有。

    Fried fermented tofu is also a local specialty , which is available all over town at small street stalls including one just outside Xianheng .

  4. 咸亨酒店的招牌菜有脆皮鸡、酒醉红枣、茴香豆还有香酥黄酒渍鳊鱼。

    Xianheng 's delicacies include crispy-skinned chicken , smoked red dates in rice wine , beans flavored with fennel , and crispy bream in rice wine .

  5. 咸亨酒店始建于1894年,得名于中国文学家鲁迅在20世纪写过的某篇小说,在中国可谓家喻户晓,现在已发展成为连锁店了。

    Open since 1894 , the dining chain is known by almost every Chinese for its appearance in early 20th century novels by Chinese literati Lu Xun .

  6. 在去著名的咸亨酒店饕餮之前,一定要先去黄酒博物馆感受一下2000年的酿酒史、品味一下陈年酒酿。

    Experience the history of 2000 years of winemaking and taste aged wines at the Yellow Rice Wine Museum before enjoying a meal at the legendary Xianheng restaurant .