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  1. 咸通诗人群体的心态与创作

    On the Poet Group 's Mentality and Its Creation in Xian Tong Period

  2. 咸通十哲的诗歌创作,不以反映社会现实见长,而写景咏物则多有佳构,大多以此出名。

    They are not good at society describing but they have some good poems for scenery or thing and several of them are famous for this kind of poems .

  3. 黄巢起义发生的时间距今已上千年,此处的晚唐是指从唐懿宗咸通元年(860年)直至907年唐王朝被朱温所灭,大约四五十年时间。

    The Huang Chao Uprising happened thousands of years ago , the Late Tang here is defined from the first year of Tang YiZong ( 860year ) to the year of Tang Dynasty was destroyed by Zhu Wen ( 907year ), about forty or fifty years in all .