
  1. 孙奇逢研究:历史地位、理学思想、学术史建树

    Historical Status 、 Neo-Confucianism Thought and Achievements of History of Learning of Sun Qifeng

  2. 同时,孙奇逢在把理学纳入儒学的正统,为理学的进一步发展寻找合理性的道路上成就了自己的实学思想。

    He achieved his own practical thought on the way of bringing Confucianism into legitimacy and finding reasonableness for further development of Confucianism .

  3. 清初河南理学群体的崛起极为引人注目,以孙奇逢为首的众多理学士人的学术思想与社会实践活动,对河南的思想文化构建产生了重要的影响。

    Henan Neo-Confucianism group rose in early Qing . The academic activity and social practice of Confucians had a significant impact on the ideological and cultural construction of Henan .

  4. 从《理学宗传》与其它的理学史著作的比较中,可以明显看出孙奇逢独特的道统思想就是同宗程朱陆王为正宗,并对此思想从体例和内容两方面进行了论证。

    Comparing to Neo-Confucianism history work in the before " Neo-Confucianism Ancestor Biography ", Sun Qifeng reveres Cheng Zhu Lu wang is the orthodox school of Dao Tong , this article in light of this thought has carried on demonstration from two aspects of the content and the style .