
  • 网络kangxi dynasty;kangxiwangchao
  1. 本篇论文选取中英字幕翻译作为研究对象,以2001年电视连续剧《康熙王朝》的字幕翻译作为案例,探讨了字幕翻译中舍的艺术。

    This thesis focuses on Chinese-English subtitle translation of the TV series The Empire of K ' ang-hsi as its research subject , analyzing the " art of elimination " in subtitle translation .

  2. 现在随便什麽人只花一点钱,就能在药铺买到各种特效药,但在康熙帝国、雍正王朝,很可能连皇帝放弃半壁江山也买不到。

    Nowadays we pay a little to get a magic remedy which the emperors of the Qing Dynasty could not get , even if they were willing to pay half the kingdom for it .