
  1. 想象力与康德认识论

    Imaginative Power and Immanuel Kant s Theory of Knowledge

  2. 想象力:康德认识论中的重要范畴

    Imagination : An Important Category of Kants Epistemology

  3. 论想象力在康德认识论中的地位

    The Role of Imagination in Kant 's Epistemology

  4. 物自体学说既是康德认识论的归宿,又是迈向康德伦理学的桥梁。

    The theory of thing - it-itself is both the end of Kant 's epistemology and the bridge to Kant 's ethics .

  5. 在康德的认识论中,综合是一个关键性的范畴,它决定了先天和后天的知识如何统一成为具体的、可以被认识的知识。

    Synthesization is a key category in the epistemology of Kant which decides how to integrate the priori and the posterior knowledge into a concrete and comprehensible knowledge .

  6. 一些学者认为它是继笛卡儿、康德以后认识论发展史上的第三次哥白尼革命,它导致了全部认识论的大翻转。

    Some scholars thought it is " third Copernican revolutionizes " of epistemology domain after Descartes and Kant , and cause the complete " large reversal " for epistemology .

  7. 论近代理性派认识论哲学的终结&康德与近代认识论哲学的最后终结

    The End of the Modern Rationalism Philosophy on Epistemology & Kant and the Final End of the Modern Philosophy on Epistemology

  8. 康德伦理学经由认识论进路获得逻辑形式,但是在价值取向上发生了意识形态置换,从而确立了道德法则的先验根据。

    Kant 's ethics acquired its logical form through epistemology at the beginning , but changed its ideology in value orientation and thus established the transcendental foundation of his moral principle .

  9. 图式作为康德之哲学认识论和皮亚杰发生认识论的中心概念,从哲学和心理学领域进入语言、信息和文化领域,为翻译提供了宏观视域,开拓了新的理论解释空间。

    As a central notion in Kant 's philosophy and Piaget 's genetic epistemology , schema ( pl. schemata ) has evolved into the fields of language , information and culture , offering a macro view of and theoretical framework for translation .