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  1. 本论文是以重庆雅安茶厂生产的康砖为原料,通过几种不同提取工艺的比较来选择出一种适合工业化大生产的成本低廉,步骤简单,产量较高的TPS提取纯化新流程。

    A sort of technology of isolating and purifying TPS which adapts to industrialization will be opted from four kinds of technology that is low-cost , simple-process and high-yield .

  2. 四川边茶(康砖)是黑茶的一个主要品种,所含茶多酚与绿茶和红茶不同。

    Sichuan brick tea ( Kang Zhuan ) contains different tea polyphenols from those of green tea and black tea .

  3. 结果表明:康砖、金尖审评均以沸水10分钟和7分钟冲泡品质最佳,茶汤中主要化学成分浸出量均最多,而煮渍法却以3分钟处理较佳。

    The results show that the brewing time of 10 and 7 minutes with boiling water are best both for organoleptic tasting and main chemical constituents of the liquor of Kong brick and Jin-jian tea . But with the method of boiling , the best treatment is 3 minutes .