
kāng fù
  • rehabilitation;recovery;recovered;healing;rehab;convalesce;get well;recuperate;restored to health;pull through;recure
康复 [kāng fù]
  • [recovery;recuperate;convalesce] 指病后身体复原

康复[kāng fù]
  1. 我们衷心希望你早日康复。

    We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored to health .

  2. 经过一段时间治疗,玛丽康复了

    Mary was restored to health after a period of medical treatment .

  3. 我们满怀信心地期待着完全康复。

    We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery .

  4. 她康复需要时间。

    It 'll take her time to recover from the illness .

  5. 他已康复得不错,但仍然容易感到疲劳。

    He has made a good recovery but still tires easily .

  6. 在凶多吉少的情形下,他终于完全康复了。

    Against all odds , he made a full recovery .

  7. 她就要康复了。

    She is well on the way to recovery .

  8. 我把他当作正在康复的人,而不是病人。

    I treated him as a convalescent , not as a sick man .

  9. 手术后她正在家休养康复。

    She is convalescing at home after her operation .

  10. 医生说她还会继续康复。

    The doctor says she should continue to improve .

  11. 你需要四至六个星期的康复期。

    You need four to six weeks ' convalescence .

  12. 短暂的康复之后,症状再次出现。

    The symptoms reappeared after only a short remission .

  13. 这种疾病的康复过程缓慢。

    Recovery from the disease is very gradual .

  14. 手术后,他根本没有真正康复。

    He never really rallied after the operation .

  15. 她正在康复之中。

    She is on the road to recovery .

  16. 她只是最近才康复,可出去走一走了。

    It 's only lately that she 's been well enough to go out .

  17. 我们祝愿你早日康复。

    We wish you a speedy recovery .

  18. 这些药会促进她的康复。

    The drugs will speed her recovery .

  19. 你很快就会康复的。

    You 'll soon feel well again .

  20. 能否彻底康复取决于她受伤的严重程度。

    The chances of a full recovery will depend on the severity of her injuries .

  21. 哪些患者已经康复了?

    Which of the patients have recovered ?

  22. 她奇迹般地康复了。

    She 's made a miraculous recovery .

  23. 一名警员昨夜被刺伤之后入院进行康复治疗。

    A policeman was recovering in hospital last night after being stabbed

  24. 他已经可以正常行走了,而且正在进行康复练习。

    He is already walking normally and doing remedial exercises .

  25. 他俩因受伤长期休养后都已完全康复。

    They both made full recoveries after lengthy injury layoffs .

  26. 但凯文仍没有放弃康复的希望。

    But Kevin hasn 't given up hope of being fit

  27. 做完急性阑尾炎手术后,他正在医院康复。

    He is recovering in hospital after an operation for acute appendicitis .

  28. 一剂好的补品将有助于身体康复。

    A good dose of tonic will help you to pick up .

  29. 温妮姨妈回信说妈妈身体尚未康复,无法写信。

    Auntie Winnie wrote back saying Mam wasn 't well enough to write

  30. 我们唯有希望这些大象能够康复。

    We can only hope that the elephants can recover .