
  • 网络nocturnal asthma
  1. 目的探讨β2肾上腺素受体(β2AR)16、27位基因多态性与夜间哮喘表现型的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between the polymorphism of β 2 adrenergic receptor (β 2AR ) at loci 16,27 and the nocturnal asthma phenotype .

  2. 结果以PEFR为标准,夜间哮喘组PEFR在夜间平均下降33.6%,非夜间哮喘组下降7.0%,二者差异显著(P<0.001)。

    Results By the criteria of overnight decrements in PEFR , the nocturnal asthma group had a mean overnight decrement in PEFR of 33.6 % , compared to 7.0 % for the non - nocturnal asthma group ( P < 0.001 ) .

  3. 探讨炎症介质LTE4的昼夜变化规律,从而揭示夜间哮喘发病机制;

    To investigate the circadian rhythm of inflammation mediator leukotriene E4 ( LTE4 ) .

  4. 目的探讨3~6岁夜间哮喘患儿发病与尿液白三烯E4(LTE4)昼夜节律变化的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship of inflammation mediator leukotriene E4 ( LTE4 ) and nocturnal asthma in3-6 years old children .

  5. 唾液中游离皮质醇和松果体素水平昼夜节律性变化与夜间哮喘相关性研究

    Alterations in chronobiology of salivary cortisol and melatonin in nocturnal asthma

  6. 夜间哮喘呼气流速峰值及呼吸驱动昼夜节律的研究

    Study on circadian rhythm of PEF and respiratory drive in nocturnal asthma

  7. 皮质醇的动态变化与夜间哮喘发病机制研究

    Study on relationship between the circadian variation of cortisone and the pathogenesis of nocturnal asthma

  8. 夜间哮喘与血浆皮质醇变化的关系

    Relationship Between Nocturnal and Plasma Corticosteroid Changes

  9. 方法应用细胞化学发光分析技术动态检测夜间哮喘淋巴细胞发光强度(Ly-cl)和多形核白细胞发光强度(PMN-cl)的变化;

    Method The changes of the chemiluminescence of lymphocytes ( Ly cl ) and polymorphonuclear leukocytes ( PMN cl ) were studied by the cell chemiluminescence method .

  10. 你有过黄疸(低烧,任何慢性病,夜间出冷汗,哮喘发作)?

    Have your ever had jaundice ( low grade fever , any chronic ailments , cold sweats at night , attacks of asthma )?