
  • 网络The Night;deep night
  1. 夜深沉,庭宁静,鸟巢也被睡眠笼罩着。

    The night is deep , the house is silent , the birds ' nests are shrouded with sleep .

  2. 大学生自我和谐与家庭环境、家庭教育相关研究夜深沉,庭宁静,鸟巢也被睡眠笼罩着。

    Relevant Research on Harmony of College Students and Their Family Background and Education ; The night is deep , the house is silent , the birds ' nests are shrouded with sleep .

  3. 我们不能继续盘桓,因为夜已如此深沉;尽管月光皎洁依旧,尽管心中的爱意犹未尽京

    So we 'll go no more a-roving So late into the night , Though the heart be still as loving , And the moon be still as bright .