
  1. 论钢琴曲《二泉映月》的音乐特征

    The music feature of piano tune The Second Spring Bathed in Moonlight

  2. 钢琴曲《二泉映月》中国韵味演奏处理的理论探究

    The Theory Inquiry of Concert Treatment of Pianolude " Er Quan Ying Yue " " Chinese Rhyme "

  3. 无锡有一口泉,叫做“天下第二泉”,那是阿炳常去的地方。

    There is a spring in Wuxi , known as " the second spring in the world " where Ah Bing liked to linger .

  4. 音、诗、画的完美结合&钢琴曲《二泉映月》的民族特性及演奏艺术

    The Perfect Combination of Sound , Poem and Picture & The National Characters and Playing Skill of the Piano Music , the Second Spring Bathed in Moonlight

  5. 据考证:惠山的二泉之水在唐代确实往京城运送过。

    According to historical documents , it is true that in the Tang Dynasty there was the practice of sending water to the capital from the Second Spring .

  6. 中国传播最广泛的二胡曲,是本世纪中期无锡的民间艺人阿炳自度的《二泉映月》。

    The most widespread piece of erhu music in China is Two Springs Reflect the Moon , composed by the Wuxi folk artist a Bing in the mid-20th century .

  7. 现在我们的销售合同已经签定到2007年上半年,在外贸出口品种上面调整为以油井管为主打产品,这就大大提高了二泉产品的竞争力。

    Now we have signed the contract to sales in the first half of2007 , foreign export to adjust for oil tube above , this product is greatly improves the two springs product 's competitiveness .