
  • 网络Two sons
  1. 二子随教,于其死后,分作二份。

    After his death , the two sons followed their father 's will .

  2. 他遗留下二子一女。

    He leaves two sons and a daughter .

  3. 他遗下一妻二子。

    He left a wife and two children .

  4. 关于Popov不等式求解的第二子问题

    On the second subproblem for solving the popov 's inequality

  5. 有马克•塞尔尼这样的游戏界资深人士在幕后主导PS4的硬件开发,它的过硬质量在展会首日就能通过《声名狼藉:第二子》(Infamous:SecondSon)这样的游戏展现得淋漓尽致。

    With game veteran mark Cerny behind the hardware in the PS4 , that type of quality should be evident day one with games like infamous : second son .

  6. 由二子能带模型密度矩阵方法,导出了子带间光跃迁的Maxwell-Bloch(MB)方程。

    The Maxwell-Bloch ( MB ) equations of two-subband model are derived , and the OB state equation for a ring cavity is obtained from the stationary solution of the MB equations .

  7. 并在此基础上,研究了统计能量分析的基本假设和适用范围,二子系统和多重子系统的统计能量分析模型的建立以及对一个系统进行统计能量分析的一般步骤。

    The study of fundamental assumption , application scope and model of two-subsystem and multiple-subsystem of statistical energy analysis are made .

  8. 第二子级的芯级有一个最多可以运载4.5吨有效载荷的隔舱。

    The second stage core unit also included an upper compartment in which a payload of up to5.4 tons was accommodated .

  9. 而曾狂热爱着二子的英子最终也投入了麻杆的怀抱。

    In addition , his beloved Yingzi , who once loved him crazily , falls in love with Mangan in the end .

  10. 结果:与模型对照组相比,苯那普利组及二子合剂大剂量治疗组各项检测指标均有改善,两者疗效近似。

    Results : In the group and AS ( Large dosage ) group all of the tests showed improvement . Their curative effects were similar .

  11. 袁军仓皇北逃,其后袁绍一蹶不振,两年后,袁绍病死,二子争位,曹操加以利用。

    Two years later , Yuan Shao died , his two sons fought against each other over the inheritance , and Cao Cao took advantage of the confusion .

  12. 在介电函数张量理论基础上得到了二子带模型和三子带模型下系统中集体激发和单粒子激发存在的条件。

    On the basis of dielectric function tensor theory , we have got the existing conditions of the single particle excitation and the collective excitation in the two-subband and three-subband model .

  13. 在三子带模型下,不仅得到了与二子带相同的区域,而且得到了三个能级共同耦合下得到的等离激元的存在条件。

    In the three-subband model , we have not only got the same area as the two-subband model , but also obtained the existing conditions of plasmon coupled by three energy levels .

  14. 在求解方法上将设计变量分为两个子空间:第一子空间为索力值和截面尺寸优化设计空间,第二子空间为形状优化设计空间;

    In order to solve the problem , the design variables are divided into two subspaces : the first one is the cable pretension force and the cross-section size optimization space , the second one is shape optimization space .

  15. 第一子空间给出新的求解方法以减轻结构重量,第二子空间用节点渐进法优化结构形状和布索位置以增加结构刚度。

    For the first one , a new solution method is provided to reduce the structure weight , and for the second one , evolutionary method of nodes is applied to optimize the structural shape and cable locations to improve the structural stiffness .

  16. 发光强度则表明,导带第二子带电子波函数在空间上更扩展,与空间分离的空穴产生发光复合的几率较大。

    The luminescence intensity shows that the probability of radiative recombinations with spatially-separated holes is stronger for the electrons in the second subband than for those in the first subband due to the more extended distribution of the wave fuction of the second subband .

  17. 北方王的二子必动干戈,招聚许多军兵。这军兵前去,如洪水泛滥,又必再去争战,直到南方王的保障。

    And his son will make war , and will get together an army of great forces , and he will make an attack on him , overflowing and going past : and he will again take the war even to his strong place .

  18. 本硕士论文的内容是对本人所参加的济南市2004年软科学计划项目《济南市软科学发展五年规划》(项目号:040021)的第二子课题&科技计划管理信息系统的系统总结。

    The content of the master paper is the summary of the soft sciences plan project ( 2004 ) " The Jinan Five Years Plan Of Soft Sciences Development "( the project number : 040,021 ) second sub & science and technology plan management information system .

  19. 通过CT扫描我们完全可以确定二狗子的病情有所改善。

    During the CT-scan we performed we could ascertain that there was an improvement in his condition .

  20. RNA二级子结构的计数

    An Enumeration of RNA Secondary Sub structure

  21. Nestin基因的第二内含子具有中枢神经系统(centralnervoussystem,CNS)组织特异性增强子活性,然而负责调控该基因在神经发育过程中表达的转录因子尚不明确。

    The second intron of nestin gene possesses the central nervous system ( CNS ) specific enhancer . However , the molecular mechanism of expressional regulation of nestin gene in the neural development remained unclear .

  22. TCN由绞线式列车总线(WTB)与多功能车辆总线(MVB)二级子网组成。

    TCN is consisted of two-level networks including wired train bus ( WTB ) and multifunction vehicle bus ( MVB ) .

  23. 应用PCR-RFLP方法对上述猪群H-FABP基因5′-上游区和第二内含子的遗传变异进行了研究。

    The genetic variation in 5 ' - upstream and in intron 2 of porcine H-FABP gene were detected by PCR-RFLP in the above populations .

  24. 信号从细胞表面传到细胞核是经由“第二信息子”完成的,这种信息子可以是胞内蛋白或小分子如环状AMP、肌醇磷酸盐或钙离子。

    The relaying of the signal from the cell surface to the nucleus is mediated by second messengers , which can be intracellular proteins or small molecules such as cyclic AMP , inositol phosphate , or calcium ions .

  25. 同时根据采样值系统计算了频率、有效值、谐波、功率因数等电量,并通过RS-485通信口与二级子站微机相配合,达到智能控制的作用。

    In such way , the frequency , the virtual value , the harmonic and power factor are acquired . It can achieve the intelligent control by way of cooperating with master station automatic apparatus system through adopting RS-485 communication standard .

  26. 目的:分析5-HTT基因第二内含子上的VNTR多态性与抑郁症临床表型的关系,以探讨VNTR多态性对抑郁症发病的影响;

    Objective : To investigate the association between polymorphism of VNTR in 5-HTT intron 2 and clinical phenotype in major depression and analysis the effect of VNTR polymorphisms on depression .

  27. 二罗子,救救我,俺再也不想自己过了。

    Romeo save me , I 've been feeling so alone .

  28. 贮灰场增建二级子坝及排灰管道改造

    Building Two Sub-dams in Ash Yard and Retrofitting Ash-drain Pipe

  29. 二元数据子空间聚类算法的初始化研究

    Research of initialization of subspace clustering algorithm in binary data

  30. 基于二维直方图分析的二元子图微光图像增强处理

    Low light level image enhancement based on dualistic sub-image and two dimensional histogram analysis